Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation and Planning Committee Meeting Packets


TO REQUEST A RECORD: Please provide the Council Archivist with the folder number you need (along with meeting date) and the length of time you will need the record. Your request will be submitted to Iron Mountain for transfer, and the Council Archivist will notify you when requested documents arrive at the Metro Regional Center. NOTE TO FILE: These records have been microfilmed (See Reels No. 865, 866 and 867). The Silver Masters are stored at the Oregon State Archives Security Copy Depository (for disaster planning purposes). PLEASE NOTE: The old Iron Mountain box number [445581341] has been retired. METRO ARCHIVE NOTES: Metro Council Committee History In 1988, the Metropolitan Services District (MSD) created the Intergovernmental Relations Committee. In January 1991, the Intergovernmental Relations Committee was renamed the Metro Council Transportation and Planning Committee. In January 1993, the Transportation and Planning Committee was renamed the Metro Council Planning Committee. In June 1995, the Metro Council renamed the Planning Committee the Metro Council Transportation Planning Committee. In January 2001, the Metro Council decided to incorporate the Transportation Planning Committee into the new Metro Council Community Planning Committee (along with the Growth Management Committee). The committee was created for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations to the Council on policies and programs relating to Metro growth management and land-use planning activities (including local government planning coordination, urban reserves, growth boundary administration, transit station area planning, housing, earthquake preparedness planning and other matters related to Metro's growth management and land-use planning activities). In January 2002, the Metro Council decided to divide the Community Planning Committee by reinstating the Metro Council Transportation Committee. Beginning in January 2003, Council standing committees were disbanded after the Metro Council decided to address issues within the context of Metro Council Work Sessions.