Z obsolete RRS - General Administrative Records (GAR) - Advisory Committee Records - Sub-Committee Records - Solid Waste Advisory Subcommittee (SWAC) Minutes - November 14, 2002


''Tuesday, June 09, 2015 at 1:40:19 PM (GMT-07:00) Welch, Pamela:'' PLEASE NOTE: This record was destroyed on 06/06/2015 per Metro Records Retention Schedule guidelines. Please contact the Metro Records Officer with any questions. Lee Barrett opened the meeting and thanked the group for attending. He said there had been some changes recommended to the last meeting summary; they will be taken care of and sent out with the next agenda packet. In particular, Jeff Murray clarified that glass is not picked up in roll carts in the Keizer area. Carts are for fiber and containers. Glass, motor oil, batteries are separate. Also, Rick Winterhalter had commented that not just Metro, but Metro and local governments have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the current recycling program. S:\REM\cubbon\MEETINGS\SWAC Sub\SWACsub111402min.doc