Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Room 270



Members Present:  Elizabeth Tucker (Chair), Norm Andreen, Kathy Henton, Dick Jones, Jim Kimball, JC Kizak, Moji Momeni, Ed Ruttledge, Scott Seibert, Don Warner, Skip White


Members Absent:  Dresden Skees Gregory, Kate Schiele, David Bikman, Darren Pennington, Christine Roth


Also Present:    Gina Whitehill-Baziuk, Cheryl Grant



Call to order/Introductions & Welcome/Appointment of Timekeeper


Approval of agenda

Chair Tucker reserved the right to alter the order of the agenda items.


Approval of April 7, 2004 minutes



Scott Seibert moved, with a second from Norm Andreen, to approve the minutes as presented.



The vote to approve the minutes was 10 aye/0 nay/1 abstain. The motion passed. Jim Kimball abstained from the vote.


Chair report

Chair Tucker reviewed some ideas she had for the committee’s work and said she would be happy to meet with the new Chair to help develop some of them.


Review committee structure/meeting times

The committee discussed the pros and cons of the current meeting schedule.



Ed Ruttledge moved, with a second from Moji Momeni, to hold one regular meeting a month, not to exceed 3 hours in length.



The vote to meet once a month was 11 aye/0 nay/0 abstain. The motion passed unanimously.


The committee discussed their preferences for which day to hold the regular meeting.



Ed Ruttledge moved, with a second from Dick Jones, to have the regular meeting time be the third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.



The vote to change the meeting time to third Wednesday at 6 p.m. was 10 aye/1 nay/0 abstain. The motion passed. Jim Kimball voted nay.


Chair Tucker reiterated that the June 30 meeting will be the final meeting under the current structure, and that the first meeting under the newly adopted structure will be July 21, starting at 6 p.m., and ending no later than 9 p.m.


The committee discussed subcommittee needs and expectations. It was agreed that the Steering Committee should meet soon to work this through.


Nominations/Election of Officers

The Nominating Committee, Scott Seibert and Norm Andreen, will contact committee members for nominations and suggestions for the chair and vice chair positions in the near future. Elections will be held at the June 30th meeting.


Goal 5 wrap-up

Gina Whitehill-Baziuk reviewed the comment books and asked the committee for their input on suggestions to Council regarding the development of the program part of the process. She reviewed the proposed timeline for feedback from the committee. There was committee discussion.



Norm Andreen moved, with a second from Ed Ruttledge, to recommend to staff that when they present this information to Council, they recommend a January roll-out of the public notification mailings.



The vote for this recommendation to staff was 9 aye/1 nay/0 abstain. The motion passed. Jim Kimball voted nay. Scott Seibert was absent from the vote.



UGB outreach/decision update

Ms. Whitehill-Baziuk reviewed the comment books. The committee discussed the books and the size of the documents. They supported making the information available on CD instead for cost savings and ease of searching the information.


Ms. Whitehill-Baziuk reviewed the timeline the Council’s work on industrial lands. She noted that the Council has adopted the Chief Operating Officer’s recommendations with amendments, and that they will probably have more amendments to be considered.


Public comment/Roundtable


Jim Kimball reported that he had attended a CCI meeting in Washington County where a task force had presented an outstanding report on noise pollution, including some useful recommendations to help solve the problems. He thought it would get some attention. He suggested the committee consider rotating the meeting site and time so members could “share the pain of trying to get through traffic at rush hour. He added that it would help to get a feel for what the Metro region really is. He commented that if we go ahead with the plans for the summit, it would be best to involve people region-wide immediately in the planning as there is a lot going on outside of Metro. He felt it would be more productive and others would feel ownership.


Skip White said work on the Multnomah County charter was wrapping up. He commented there would probably be five or six issues for citizens to vote on, some contentious.


Don Warner commented that the impression in his new neighborhood was that Tigard is going to annex the Bull Mountain territory so he assumed all efforts for King City to do so were done.


Dick Jones said discussions n governance in unincorporated areas and whether they wanted to change or stay status quo had been taking his time. He said inside the urban growth boundary, forming or joining a city were the only choices. There are lots of challenges to both, and county employees could be impacted greatly. He noted that seven years ago they decided it would be too much of a nightmare to change and maybe that was the best solution now as well.


Norm Andreen reported they were still working on the complete communities process in terms of formulating village and hamlet definitions.


Kathy Henton Gresham is currently focusing on how to resolve their public service issues, i.e., their fire district. She said she is really pleased with what she is learning from her service on the land use task force. She is also serving on the Springwater Task Force, planning how it will be developed. She said she is going to Salem to a citizen involvement committee meeting next week and her goal is to push the state to take some responsibility for minimum standards for citizen involvement in land use issues.


Moji Momeni reported that Beaverton’s annual clean up day was held in early June and it went very well. He said the event allows residents to bring trash, no hazardous waste, to City Hall where it is collected for a small fee. Their citizen involvement committee sponsors and holds this event yearly.



There being no further business before the committee, Chair Tucker adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Cheryl Grant

Office of Citizen Involvement

MCCI staff