Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 00-2969B: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan as the Federal Metropolitan Transportation Plan.



PLEASE NOTE: This record was too large to scan in its entirety. The electronic version does not include the following: Exhibit A (1999 Regional Transportation Plan, December 16, 1999); Exhibit B (2000 Regional Transportation Plan: Supplemental Revisions, May 15, 2000); and Exhibit C (JPACT Recommendations On RTP Public Comments, July 13, 2000). To view the complete record (in hard copy), please contact the Council Archivist. PLEASE NOTE: This record is organized in two parts. The contents of Part I include: Resolution No. 00-2969B (as adopted) and Exhibit A in hard copy.

Related to: 95-2138A: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 95-2138A: For the Purpose of Approving the 1995 Interim Federal Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Related to: 99-2878B: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 99-2878B: For the Purpose of Approving the 1999 Update to the Regional Transportation Plan and Refinement Process. Related to: 00-869A-01: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 00-869A: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan; Amending Ordinance No. 96-647C and Ordinance No. 97-715B. Related to: 00-869A-02: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 00-869A: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan; Amending Ordinance No. 96-647C and Ordinance No. 97-715B. Related to: 00-869A-03: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 00-869A: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan; Amending Ordinance No. 96-647C and Ordinance No. 97-715B. Related to: 01-3089: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 01-3089: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Findings and Recommendations of the Corridor Initiatives Project. Related to: AGEN00/00114: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Agenda Related to: MP00/85: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Meeting Packet Related to: AGEN00/00115: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Agenda Related to: MIN00/00080: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Minutes Related to: 00-2978: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 00-2978: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For Amendment of the 1995 Regional Transportation Plan (Resolution No. 00-2972B) and the FY 2000 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (Resolution No. 00-2950) to Include the Wilsonville/Beaverton Commuter Rail Project (Reference Resolution No. 00-2969B) Related to: AGEN00/00142: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Agenda Related to: MIN00/00096: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Minutes Related to: MP00/110: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: 00-2999: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 00-2999: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan. Related to: MIN00/00118: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Minutes Related to: MP00/86: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Meeting Packet Related to: AGEN00/00162: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Agenda Related to: MP00/128: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Meeting Packet Related to: MIN00/00119: Compliance - Archives and Special Collections Management - Metro Archives and Special Collections Records - Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Minutes Related to: 02-945A: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 02-945A: For the Purpose of Amending the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan Financial Constrained System; Amending Ordinance No. 00-869A and Resolution No. 00-2969B to Reflect Resolution No. 02-3186. Related to: 04-3413: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 04-3413: For the Purpose of Supporting the "It's Cool to Carpool" Campaign. Related to: 04-3498A: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 04-3498A: For the Purpose of Endorsing Regional Priorities For a State Transportation Funding Package Related to: 07-3764: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 07-3764: For the Purpose of Endorsing Regional Priorities For State Transportation Funding Legislation. Related to: 08-3917: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 08-3917: For the Purpose of Endorsing Multnomah County's Bridge Safety Funding Ballot Measure. Related to: 08-3919: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 08-3919: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Travel Options 2008-2013 Strategic Plan. Related to: 09-4018: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 09-4018: For the Purpose of Approval of the Regional Travel Options Program Work Plan and Funding Suballocations For Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Related to: 10-4139: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 10-4139: For the Purpose of Approval of the Regional Travel Options Program Work Plan and Funding Sub-Allocations For Fiscal Year 2010-2011. Related to: MEET10/256: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda Related to: MEET10/258: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Minutes Related to: MEET10/259-01: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet Related to: MEET10/260: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda Related to: MEET10/264: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Minutes Related to: MEET10/265-01: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet Related to: MEET10/259-02: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet Related to: MEET10/265-02: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet Related to: MEET10/265-03: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet Related to: MEET10/265-04: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Packet Related to: 12-4349: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 12-4349: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Travel Options 2012-2017 Strategic Plan. Related to: 18-4886: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 18-4886: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2018 Regional Travel Options Strategy.
