TEL 503-797-1700 FAX 503-797-1797



MEETING:  Rate Review Committee

DATE:  March 29, 2006

DAY:  Wednesday

TIME:  6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

PLACE:  Metro Regional Center, Room 370



I.  Call to Order (15 min)  Rod Park

○  Welcome and introductions

○  The Chair’s goals for this year

○  Committee members’ comments and discussion

II.  Getting Started (50 min)  Douglas Anderson

We begin this year’s discussion with a review of background materials:

○  The proposed FY 2006-07 budget (including comparison with the current budget)

○  A reconstruction of FY 2005-06 rates (showing allocation assumptions, etc.)

○  Preliminary FY 2006-07 unit costs (based on the FY 2005-06 rate model)

○  Implications of the Rate Policy Subcommittee recommendations*

Starred (*) items are included with this agenda. Other materials will be distributed at the meeting.

III.  This Year’s Work Plan (20 min)  Rod Park

Given the introductory material in the previous agenda item, the Committee should be in a position to develop a work plan for the FY 2006-07 rate review season. A schedule and draft plan are attached.

Outcome: Agree on a work plan, including objectives and schedule

IV.  Other Business and Adjourn (5 min.)  Rod Park

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 12, 6:00 p.m., Room 270.


All times listed on this agenda are approximate. Items may not be considered in the exact order listed.



Rate Review Committee Members


Metro Staff

Matt Korot, City of Gresham

Paul Matthews, Integrated Utilities Group

Michael Hoglund, SWR Director

Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal

Mike Miller, Gresham Sanitary

Douglas Anderson, SWR Manager

Ray Phelps, Allied

Michelle Poyourow, Bicycle Transport. Alliance

Tom Chaimov, Senior SW Planner

Councilor Rod Park, Chair


Please contact Tom Chaimov at Metro with any questions at or 503-797-1681.



T:\Remfma\committees\Rate Review Committee\FY 06-07\Agendas & Minutes\RRC032906aga.doc
