Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Council Chamber
Members Present: Susan McLain (Chair), Bill Atherton (Vice Chair), David Bragdon, Rod Monroe, Rod Park
Members Absent: Jon Kvistad, Ed Washington
Also Present: Councilor-elect Rex Burkholder
Chair McLain called the meeting to order at 1:44 P.M.
1. Consideration of the Minutes of September 13 and 27, 2000 Committee Meetings.
Motion: | Councilor Monroe moved to approve the minutes of September 13 and 27, 2000 Budget Committee meetings without revision. |
Vote: | Councilors McLain, Atherton, Monroe, and Park voted aye. The vote was 4 aye/0 nay/0 abstain, and the motion passed. Councilor Bragdon was absent at the time of the vote. |
2. Growth Management Needs Assessment
Bruce Warner, Chief Operating Officer, reminded the Committee that Council, along with the Executive Officer, had requested a shift of resources and staff to establish Communications team and to create a multi-year Communications Plan for Metro. One goal was to assure that the limited agency communications staff and resources were utilized in a coordinated and integrated manner. Other goals included prioritized and coordinated outreach efforts, cost effective print and media ads for the entire agency, an enhanced Metro partnership with local jurisdictions and identification/development of common messages to tie all Metro programs together. He said it was time to reengage the public and Metro’s partners in an outreach effort on the 2040 Growth Concept; the Communications team would be an integral part of this process.
Chair McLain asked Andy Cotugno, Growth Management (GM) and Transportation Director, to come forward to testify. Mr. Cotugno spoke to Planning Fund Budget Summary FY 99-01 (a copy is included in the public record of this meeting). He said he awaited the development of the FY 2000-01 budget before filling four current vacancies in planning including a director-level position. He moved on to Growth Management Services Projects FY 2001, FY 2002 Travel Forecasting FY 2002 Program Summary and Examples of Costs for Public Outreach Activities (copies are included in the public record of the meeting).
Chair McLain asked Janice Larson, Communications Division Manager, and John Donovan, Public Affairs Specialist, to come forward. Ms. Larson spoke to Report from Communications Team to Budget & Finance Cmte. Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000 (a copy is included in the public record of the meeting). She gave examples of outreach materials and tools including McList, a database technology available on the intramet and used throughout the agency to communicate with its citizens. Councilor Atherton asked what the total communications budget would be for FY 2001-02. Mr. Donovan said a budget was not ready, but FY 99-00 was $66k. Councilor Atherton asked for the status of the improved video capability plan. Beth Anne Steele, Council Outreach, said staff had applied for a grant from Mt Hood Regulatory Commission that had been denied. A new application was in process with a decision due in April 2001. If successful the equipment could be in place December 2001-January 2002. She felt the chances of success were much greater this time, as larger matching funds would be offered as part of the grant request.
Councilor Atherton asked if survey work would be included in this budget. Mr. Donovan noted that one of the team’s goals was to collect survey data accumulated by local jurisdictions. This data and the results of earlier Metro surveys would be analyzed to determine the usefulness of a new survey. Councilor Atherton asked if the team had considered measuring citizens’ confidence in the region’s future livability; the City of Lake Oswego surveyed its citizens every 2-years. Chair McLain asked for details of that survey. Councilor Atherton said the survey asked the citizen to rate each city department and whether they believed the city would be better or worse in 10 years. Mr. Donovan promised to try to obtain the results of the Lake Oswego survey. Councilor Park noted that an Arizona reporter told him 63% of Phoenix citizens polled were in favor of controlling growth through urban growth boundaries.
3. Impact of COLA Increase on FY 00-01 Budget
Tony Mounts, Administrative Services Department (ASD) Financial Planning Manager reviewed Impact of Cost of Living Increase, History of Regional Parks Excise Tax Transfers and General Fund Year End Balance. Copies are included in the public record of this meeting. Councilor Bragdon asked how Glendoveer’s revenues figured in the budget. Mr. Mounts responded that Metro received a fee from the contractor who ran Glendoveer; excise taxes were allocated to Parks. Councilor Monroe asked if an estimate of the General Fund Reserve was available yet. Mr. Mounts said those figures would be available at the first committee meeting in November. Councilor Atherton asked if Mr. Cotugno could estimate how much money was needed to fully fund Transportation and GM from excise tax aside from outside grants.
Mr. Cotugno said in 1999 the GM budget was $3.2 million, reduced to $2.9 and now to $2.8 million. Excise taxes were 90% of the GM budget. In Transportation it was reversed: the budget was $1.2 million two years ago, reduced to $1 million last year and now $900k. This was about 10% of the full Transportation budget. Councilor Atherton said he was trying to craft a proposal for a utilities fee to be imposed region-wide. Mr. Cotugno suggested he begin with the budget figures from 1999 and add 10% for inflation. That level would still require everyone to make decisions as to the priority issues. Councilor Park noted that even 2 years ago reserves had been encroached. He suggested breaking the figures down into two packages: 1). State and Federal mandated programs and 2). Additional programs that would make these programs work better.
Councilor Park asked about anticipated election expense for the general and primary elections in 2002. Mr. Mounts said it depended on the number of issues on a particular ballot. The more measures on a ballot the less expensive it was since the measures split the cost. He said the estimate for a tri-county election was approximately $100k. Councilor Monroe said the May 2002 election would include 3-4 councilor positions on the ballot if the Charter amendment passed in November, as well as the Auditor and another required ballot measure. Costs would be significantly higher. Mr. Mounts agreed it would be $150-250k.
4. Councilor Communications
Chair McLain adjourned the meeting at 2:52 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Weathers
Council Assistant
The following have been included as part of the official public record:
Planning Fund Budget Summary FY 99-01 | 101170bdm-1 | ||
Growth Management Services Projects FY 2001 and FY 2002 | 101170bdm-2 | ||
Travel Forecasting FY 2002 Program Summary | 101170bdm-3 | ||
Examples of Costs for Public Outreach Activities | 101170bdm-4 | ||
10/11/00 | Report from Communications Team to Budget & Finance Cmte, | 101170bdm-5 | |
10/10/00 | Impact of Cost of Living Increase
| 10110bdm-6 | |
10/02/00 | History of Regional Parks Excise Tax Transfers
| 10110bdm-7 | |
10/10/00 | General Fund Year End Balance | 10110bdm-8 |