Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 08-3898: For the Purpose of Approving Metro's Willamette Basin Total Maximum Daily Load Water Quality Implementation Plan For Submission to Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.



Councilor Rod Park was excused. This record is available in both hard copy and electronic format.

Related to: MIN08/00008: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Minutes Related to: AGEN08/00009: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Agenda Related to: MP08/9: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: MEET08/31: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Action Updates 1979-2023 - Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, January 24, 2008