Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Room 375



Members present: Elizabeth Tucker, Dennis Ganoe, and Jane Gillespie.

Also present: Ron Klein, Public Affairs Specialist, and Lupine Hudson, Volunteer Manager Parks and Greenspaces


Meeting was called to order at 6pm by Chairman Gillespie


Approval of Agenda – Dennis Ganoe made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of Lupine Hudson as a speaker. Motion approved.


The February 19, 2003 Meeting Minutes were approved.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Parks Volunteers

Ms. Hudson reported to the committee on the parks volunteer program. She distributed the 2002 Volunteer Services Report. She gave examples of the some of the information in the report: 1,250 volunteers in 2002, 17,000 volunteer hours at 34 different sites. This would equal approximately $270,000 if the volunteers were paid employees.



Ron Klein reported that the budget was still in flux. The budget would be going to the Council on March 26. He will report back at the next sub-committee meeting.


Intergovernmental Agreement

There was discussion on including wording about citizen involvement in IGAs. The committee voted to propose to the council that IGAs comply with the Greenspace Master Plan and with State Goal #1, which defines citizen involvement and how it should be accounted for.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Jane Gillespie