Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Room 370
Chair Kyle called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.
Members Present: Ted Kyle (Chair), Dennis Ganoe (Vice Chair), Norm Andreen, Kay Durtschi, Kathy Henton, Jim Kimball, John Milliken, Darren Pennington, Bob Pung, Christine Roth, Pat Russell, Scott Seibert, Ray Sherwood.
Members Absent: Leeanne MacColl, Don Olson, Meyer Siegel, Elizabeth Tucker, Curt Winkler.
Others Present: Kim Bardes, Outreach Assistant; Rex Burkholder, Metro Councilor; Mark Bosworth, Planning Department, Program Supervisor; Sue Gemmell, Creative Services/Webmaster; Jane Gillespie, MCCI Applicant; Lori Waldo, MCCI Applicant.
Chair Kyle asked everyone to introduce themselves for the good of the group. Mr. Pennington volunteered to be timekeeper.
Ms. Six was absent, but she had indicated before the meeting that she had nothing to report.
Motion: | Mr. Andreen moved, with a second by Ms. Roth, to approve the April 17, 2002, minutes with corrections. |
Mr. Sherwood asked for a correction to the minutes regarding the Workgroup Report – he had said that he was in favor of waiting, not in favor of the process. Chair Kyle mentioned that Ms. Stacey had informed him that she had forgotten to put in the chair report that the elections committee would be made up of Mr. Jones and Chair Kyle.
Chair Kyle asked Mr. Sherwood if he wanted to be on the Elections Committee. Mr. Sherwood said that people should be elected to the committee. Mr. Pung added that the committee had been appointed last month, and expressed concern that the election was behind schedule.
Vote: | The vote was 12 aye/ 0 nay/ 3 abstain, with Ms. Henton, Mr. Pennington, and Mr. Pung abstaining, the motion carried. |
There was nothing to report.
Councilor Burkholder said that work was still being done on periodic review. An agreement had been drafted for the Goal 5 work between the Tualatin Basin and a group of local governments to do a sub-watershed analysis. He said that the Growth Management subcommittee might want to look at that and make sure that the public involvement was sufficient. An Economic Technical Advisory Committee (ETAC) had been formed to help look at the Economic Social Environmental Energy (ESEE) analysis of the fish and wildlife process. A draft of the ordinance for the ETAC committee had been prepared but would not be available until the next month. The Executive Committee had been looking at the Chief Operating Officer (COO) position requirements. The ordinance for the COO position would not be available to review until the next meeting. Regarding the cost of elections, Councilor Burkholder mentioned the reserve.
Mr. Pennington wanted to know how to encourage citizens to bring exception land to the periodic review process. Councilor Burkholder said that the cities were asked to look at facilities and costs to provide services to those areas. No official proposal had been communicated to citizens at that point. Mr. Donovan said that there would be an official opportunity for communication in June. Mr. Russell asked why the transportation plan was moving forward so speedily. Councilor Burkholder said the first hearing would be at council the following day, May 16, 2002.
Mr. Russell questioned the public involvement/awareness process for a $12 million interchange. Councilor Burkholder said that it was before the Metro Council for first reading only.
Mr. Kimball asked Councilor Burkholder if the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) decision would be pushed into next year. Councilor Burkholder said that Washington County had requested that, but no decision had been made. The question of an extension had also been asked of the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) and of Metro, and it would need to be processed through the local jurisdictions. Ms. Durtschi urged the members to attend the next Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) meeting.
Ms. Gemmell said that website use had more than doubled in the past year with more than 60 thousand visits a month. She said that the new site would look more contemporary, that it would load faster, and that it would provide quick access to information. She said the big challenge would be keeping the site current, and that they had produced a process where general trained staff would be able to create and add web pages to the website. Mr. Bosworth handed out a web team update sheet, which is attached and forms part of this record. The final version of the program had been received and the next step would be to migrate the current website content over to the new site. Ms. Gemmell anticipated that it would be many months before the rollover could take place. She added that testing on the artwork had been done and those items chosen were screened and approved by citizens.
Mr. Russell asked about user-friendly color options and browser access. Ms. Gemmell said that the graphics had to meet requirements of many types of users and that in creating the website, they had tried to take into account different web browsers. Mr. Bosworth added that there was a text only option for users as well.
Mr. Ganoe asked how accessible public feedback would be. Ms. Gemmell said that there was a standard footer on each web page, and a form on the website that citizens would be able to use for feedback. Ms. Durtschi asked if MCCI would be listed on the website. Ms. Gemmell said it would, and they discussed placement of MCCI within the website. Ms. Durtschi asked if there would be an acronyms page for those who didn’t know all of them. Ms. Gemmell said there would be a glossary of terms that the user could click on. Mr. Seibert asked if there would be a feature that allowed a citizen to input his/her address and then receive important information pertaining to that area/location. Ms. Gemmell explained personalization and that it would be an option for the user. Mr. Seibert asked about Metro’s privacy policy. Ms. Gemmell said that all information at Metro was public record, but that Metro would not hand out information without a properly written and executed request. Mr. Russell asked about email addresses for staff people. Ms. Gemmell said that there was a staff page, which was more generic to the departments or topics, but not an email directory. She said there would be a default contact person on every web page.
Mr. Kimball asked about usage of cookies by Metro. Ms. Gemmell said that Metro does not use cookies. Mr. Kimball asked about researching several vendors for the creation of the website. Ms. Gemmell said they had researched other vendors and that Metro had decided to build the software itself. Mr. Bosworth said that Metro had obtained an Adobe Acrobat product for the agency, which allowed piloting of internal documents such as time sheets.
Mr. Donovan referred to the Public Involvement Planning Guide (PIPG) included in the members packet, and then thanked the members of the planning group for their hard work. He discussed the changes from the last iteration. He expressed a desire for the process to move to closure. The members discussed some of the changes in detail. Mr. Donovan said that the final version should be included in the packet for the next meeting. He advised the members that there was only a week to ten days to make any comments or requests for changes before the final version went to press. Mr. Ganoe wanted to know if the appendices were excluded or not for the notification process for PIPG changes. Ms. Durtschi said that they could be changed on a project-by-project basis, if needed. Mr. Pennington thanked them for the good work, and he gave kudos to the chair for starting this process. Ms. Roth asked if members could email minor changes to Mr. Donovan. Mr. Donovan said yes. Mr. Seibert said that the Metro staff had been very involved in development of the planning guide. He felt that the document was a good tool for the committee and the community. Mr. Andreen said that Metro staff might need to include a definition of the term public involvement in the document.
Chair Kyle thanked the work group for their efforts on the PIPG. He announced a Government Affairs meeting at 10 a.m. on May 28th where the ordinance for the Office of Citizen Involvement (OCI) issues would be discussed. Chair Kyle asked if anyone wanted to be on the Elections Committee and clarified that by being on the committee one could not then be elected to office. He announced that Mr. Jones had volunteered to be on it. He reminded members that they could self-nominate as well as nominate other eligible members. Mr. Pennington nominated Mr. Ganoe for Chair. Mr. Pennington self-nominated for the Vice-Chair position if he could get out of the Membership Committee. Chair Kyle reminded the committee that nominations could be made through June.
Motion: | Ms. Durtschi moved, with a second by Mr. Russell, to carry over the Steering Committee election to July. |
Vote: | The vote was 15 aye/ 0 nay/ 0 abstain, motion carried. |
Ms. Durtschi reminded the members to fill out their evaluations and turn them in.
Ms. Durtschi said that periodic review committee meetings would be in June, and she urged the members to attend one of the meetings if they could. She also talked about the last iteration of the map on Goal 5, and told members to contact Mr. Russell or herself if they had questions.
Mr. Pennington commented on the Metro Goal 5 website map. His personal address/property came up as a wetland. He contacted Metro about the error and he was happy to report that they fixed the problem and sent him a letter thanking him for alerting them about the error.
Mr. Ganoe said that the PIPs for parks had been reviewed in the Parks Subcommittee. He reported that there were three plans listed and that two would be finishing up - Green Ribbon recommendations were at council waiting for action, and Blue Lake had been approved. He reported that he had received a copy of Resolution 02-3188 for a ballot measure to create stable funding for parks.
Ms. Durtschi said that the Transportation Subcommittee had received a PIP for the Foster/Powell Corridor.
Ms. Bardes briefly mentioned the outreach packets for the purpose of taking back to community groups. She asked the members to contact Ms. Stacey if they were interested in receiving copies. Ms. Durtschi requested that information on MCCI be included in the outreach packet.
Mr. Pung said that he had collected over 3000 wheelchairs since January 2002.
Chair Kyle asked the members to diligently search for another disabled person for membership in the committee in order to bring their unique perspective to the table, just as Mr. Pung had done during his tenure.
Ms. Henton distributed a Public Involvement Summary for urban renewal in Rockwood-West Gresham, a copy of an article from Maui Magazine, and a survey put out by the Gresham Strategic Planning Committee. All three documents are attached and form a part of this record. She also mentioned that she had emailed a number of the members about the Hogan Buttes property for which Metro was considering securing federal funding. Ms. Henton also mentioned a Gresham Outlook article about saving local neighborhoods, and added that Gresham had decided not to let Measure 7 slow them down.
Mr. Andreen said that he and four other members had participated in the Clackamas County Congress. He pointed out that there had been more members from MCCI than from the Clackamas CCI.
Mr. Pennington reported that he went to Rudy Kadlub’s ice cream social hosted for the Dammasch Urban Village, and that it was a huge success. He mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to vote on Measures 26-11 and 26-29 due to the jurisdictional boundary.
Ms. Durtschi urged the members to vote! She informed the members said that both Intel and LSI Logic corporations were starting high schools and she urged members to give support.
Chair Kyle also urged members to vote.
Mr. Milliken asked about MCCI’s or Metro’s connection to retirement homes/systems. Chair Kyle said that was a good question for the next meeting.
Mr. Ganoe said that he had attended the Clackamas Complete Communities Congress and the main topic of discussion was about how they wanted to be involved in planning and how to process items through Metro Council.
Ms. Roth announced that she was now the Vice Chair of the Clackamas CCI.
There being no further business before the committee, Chair Kyle adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Prepared by,
Kim Bardes
Outreach Assistant
Metro Website Update | 5/1/02 | Web Team Update to MCCI | 051502mcrg-01 |
Subcommittee Reports | Undated | Rockwood-West Gresham Renewal Public Involvement Summary Report | 051502mcrg-02 |
Subcommittee Reports | Undated | Maui Magazine Article: Island Business, Growing Pains | 051502mcrg-03 |
Subcommittee Reports | 4/15/02 | City of Gresham Memo, Building a Future for Gresham | 051502mcrg-04 |
Staff Report | 4/29/02 – 5/10/02 | Packet of articles submitted by Pat Russell: Portland Tribune: Metro revises growth course by Kristina Brenneman; Portland Tribune: Boundary ruling won’t be a factor by Jim Redden; Oregonian: North Plains asks to expand city to north and east by Laura Oppenheimer; Oregonian: Supreme Court rejects property owners’ claims by David G. Savage; Oregonian: Pleasant Valley: Keep flood of growth green by Eric Mortenson; Oregonian: Governor hopefuls focus on economy by Patrick Harrington; Oregonian: William Bagby: Support Measure 26-11 by William Bagby | 051502mcrg-05 |
Staff Report | 4/24/02 | Map: MCCI Membership | 051502mcrg-06 |
Staff Report | Undated | Metro Advisory Committee Application for Citizen Involvement, John Milliken | 051502mcrg-07 |
Staff Report | 4/26/02 | Public Review Draft of Conformity Determination | 051502mcrg-08 |
Staff Report | 6/9/02 | 16th Annual Great Blue Heron Week Healthy Watersheds for Fish, Wildlife & People | 051502mcrg-09 |