Metro Committee for Citizen Involvement Regular Committee


Call to Order & Approval of Agenda


Members Present: Norm Andreen, Kay Durtschi, Dennis Ganoe, Kathy Henton, Jim Kimball, Ted Kyle, Darren Pennington, Bob Pung, Pat Russell, Curt Winkler


Members Absent: Joe Annett, Dick Jones, LeeAnne MacColl, Christine Roth, Scott Seibert, Ray Sherwood, Meyer Siegel


Others Present: Rex Burkholder, Metro Councilor; John Donovan, Council Communications Officer; Al Paris; Andy Paris; Camrynne Six, Auditor’s Administrative Assistant; Cary Stacey, MCCI Staff; Elizabeth Tucker, MCCI Applicant


Chair Kyle opened the meeting at 7:06 p.m.




Chair Kyle asked everyone to introduce themselves for the good of the group.


Mr. Pennington volunteered to be timekeeper.


Approval of Agenda


Hearing no objections, Chair Kyle said the agenda stood approved.


Approval of December 19, 2001, Minutes



Mr. Russell moved, with a second by Mr. Pennington, to approve the December 19, 2001, minutes as presented.



The vote was 9 aye/0 nay/1 abstain with Mr. Pung abstaining, Motion carried.


Public Comment


There was none.


Auditor Liaison Report


Ms. Six said there had been no reports recently published out of the Auditor’s Office. She said there were two current projects with Regional Environmental Management (REM) and the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (MERC). She said that upcoming projects were part of a flexible plan.


Council Liaison Report


Councilor Burkholder spoke to the Council reorganization. He distributed a list of changes, a copy of which is included as part of this record.


He said that as chair of the Transportation Committee, he was going to encourage work on the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to see if dollars were being best spent and to approach citizen involvement from the bottom up.


He announced that the Council Chambers would soon have recording equipment to videotape and eventually webcast meetings. He said live broadcast capability would also be available.


Mr. Russell said he appreciated receiving thank you notes from Metro councilors for his participation in the Goal 5 process. He asked about a Regional Planning e-newsletter and said he’d like to see something similar to the Transportation Progress Report.


Chair Report


Chair Kyle reported that additional work had been done on Title 8 since December, 2001. He spoke to the new language and said that citizens would have the opportunity to get involved in compliance issues.


He reported that the Transition Task Force had enjoyed a joint meeting with elected officials.


He said the Metro representatives for the Public Involvement Planning Guide (PIPG) Review Committee were in the appointment process, and the goal was to start meeting later that month to start work.


He addressed the Steering Committee vacancy and Mr. Seibert’s nomination, and asked for additional nominations. There were no additional nominations.



Ms. Durtschi, with a second by Mr. Pennington, moved to close nominations.



The vote was 10 aye/0 nay/0 abstain, Motion carried.



Mr. Pung moved by acclimation, with a second by Mr. Pennington, to elect Scott Seibert to the Steering Committee.



The vote was 10 aye/0 nay/0 abstain, Motion carried.


Chair Kyle spoke to the MCCI Workgroup and the work completed to date. He said a report was to be reviewed the next day and, once finalized, would be mailed to all Regular Committee members. He said the report would most likely be an agenda item for the February meeting. He felt the outcome would help MCCI become more effective and have more of a voice with elected officials.


Coffee Talks Update


Ms. Durtschi distributed a brochure for the spring conference on March 15 and 16, 2002, a copy of which is included as part of this record. She said 89 Coffee Talks had been completed to date. She said over 1,000 people had participated, 383 brand new contacts had been made, and 115 written surveys had been submitted.


She said the conference attendance goal for March 15 was 750 people. The attendance goals for the March 16 community workshops were as follows: East Metro, 100 people; Southeast Metro, 200 people; Southwest Metro, 200 people; West Metro, 150 people; Portland, 300 people. Metro was partnering with the city of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) to combine the Portland community workshop with Portland's Neighborhood Association Summit. She said MCCI members were encouraged to attend the conference and help Metro staff evaluate the process.


Subcommittee Reports


Ms. Durtschi reported that the Growth Management subcommittee had received an update on periodic review. She said the work was going forward and should be completed by December 2002.


Mr. Ganoe reported that the Parks subcommittee hadn’t met since there was no change from the past month.


Mr. Pennington reported that there was a recent update on recycling organic materials. He said that in the upcoming month they were going to try to liaison with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) and they were awaiting a new Public Involvement Plan (PIP) to address how to identify and quantify the underserved.


Ms. Durtschi reported that the Transportation subcommittee had reported on the South Corridor.


Mr. Pennington reported that the Membership Committee had met for the past three months and identified three strong candidates, but other efforts were needed.


MCCI Staff Report


Mr. Donovan reported that the Outreach Office was in the process of coordinating with the Presiding Office for the upcoming year’s workplan, which was to dovetail with the MCCI Workgroup recommendations. He said the Coffee Talks would be summarized in a report out of the Executive Office, with a second phase to be distributed with technical information at the spring conference.


Ms. Stacey said that due to an illness, Pam Peck had been unable to complete her write-up of the Community Media Project and would submit her write-up for the next Communications Update. She distributed a schedule, a copy of which is included as part of this record, of economic talks presented by the Beaverton City Library.


Round Table


Ms. Durtschi reported on the Multnomah County Library roundtable regarding Waterfront Park. She said hearings on the police budget were taking place in the next week. She said the Corbett Terwilliger Lair Hill neighborhood association had had a situation in which a builder had raised a site’s ground level and zoned the building height from the new ground level, and the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) found for the city.


Ms. Henton reported on a Gresham Outlook article on Metro’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansion, mentioned in conjunction with her neighborhood association’s Coffee Talk.


Mr. Andreen said he had attended a complete Communities Task Force meeting that came up with three different scenarios to replace Citizen Participation Organizations (CPO’s) in Clackamas County: a community advisory board, a “CPO-Plus” allowing CPO’s to be proactive in terms of long-range planning, or a regional district sub-planning commission.


Mr. Kimball asked if MCCI had been involved in ballot measures in the past. Chair Kyle said that as a group MCCI members couldn’t advocate for any ballot measure. Councilor Burkholder said he would consult with the Office of General Counsel regarding an advisory committee’s role in regards to ballot measures. Mr. Kimball asked that he be listed as a Parks Subcommittee member.


Mr. Winkler said he would be interested in joining the Growth Management subcommittee.


Mr. Pung said he had been very involved with citizen involvement in Gresham, and in November they had chartered a new neighborhood association. He said a Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) issue should be improved shelters at MAX stations.


Mr. Ganoe reported that he had received an invitation to attend a Coffee Talk presented by the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation Association. He requested on behalf of his CPO that someone come out to the CPO and explain what Metro does, especially in relation to environmental protections and monitoring development.


Mr. Pennington said his neighbor was running out of buses to plant.


Mr. Russell reported on a transportation update plan for the county. He said he had spent his holidays in the Bay Area and was happy that the Metro area was not pursuing smart growth in a similar fashion.


Ms. Tucker said she’d met with Mike Burton the previous day. She said she’d like to revitalize her neighborhood association and would be attending the Portland Neighborhood Summit.


Chair Kyle reported on a Supreme Court case regarding regulatory takings, and said the decision might affect the government’s ability to do regulation. He also spoke to the state supreme court’s recent strikedown of term limits.




There being no further business before the committee, Chair Kyle adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m.


Prepared by,




Cary Stacey

Council Assistant






Council Liaison Report


2002 Metro Council committee assignments and meeting times


Coffee Talks Update


Black-and-white proof of 2002 Regional Conference brochure


Staff Report


Schedule of speakers for Oregon’s Economy: The Experts Speak, presented by Beaverton City Library
