Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Room 370
Call to Order & Approval of Agenda
Members Present: Dennis Ganoe (Chair), Norm Andreen, Kay Durtschi, Jane Gillespie, Ted Kyle, Darren Pennington, Ray Sherwood, Elizabeth Tucker.
Members Absent: Kathy Henton, Dick Jones, Jim Kimball, John Milliken, Christine Roth, Scott Seibert, Lori Waldo.
Also Present: John Donovan, Council Communications Officer; Cary Stacey, MCCI Staff.
Chair Ganoe opened the meeting at 7:04 p.m.
Chair Ganoe asked everyone to introduce themselves for the good of the group. Mr. Pennington volunteered to be timekeeper.
Approval of Agenda
Hearing no objections, Chair Ganoe said the agenda stood approved. Ms. Durtschi recommended scheduling agency staff earlier in the agendas.
Approval of August 21, 2002, Minutes
As there was no quorum, approval of the August 21, 2002 minutes was postponed until the next meeting.
Chair Report
Chair Ganoe distributed a comprehensive retreat agenda, a copy of which is included as part of this record. He said one goal of the retreat was to align with the budget process, and another retreat would need to occur before the next fiscal year. He proposed having that retreat in April 2003. He said the Office of Citizen Involvement (OCI) formation ordinance had been approved by the Council Government Affairs Committee. Mr. Donovan said that the ordinance clarified that the OCI had a role and that the Metro Council had a connection both to the OCI and MCCI.
Subcommittee Reports
Mr. Andreen reported for the Regional Environmental Management (REM) Subcommittee that no one had attended the last meeting so he had rescheduled the speaker on waste reduction priorities for the next meeting. He said Jan O’Dell, Senior Public Affairs Specialist, was still working on his request regarding the budget process and was working on upcoming Public Involvement Plans (PIPs).
Ms. Tucker reported for the Parks Subcommittee that Ron Klein, Public Affairs Specialist, had spoken on pioneer cemeteries and the upcoming Salmon Festival. She distributed a Salmon Festival brochure, which is included as part of this record. She said the subcommittee’s outstanding work was the Trolley Trail Public Involvement Plan Outline (PIPO), that the Green Ribbon Committee work was on hold and that the Blue Lake project was wrapping up. She said the subcommittee would be meeting every other month, with the next meeting in November 2002.
There was some discussion on how MCCI could learn more about Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (MERC) activities and ascertain whether citizen involvement needed to be monitored. Mr. Donovan suggested addressing other projects, such as MERC or the Zoo, at the retreat.
Ms. Tucker reported for the Membership Committee that she would be unveiling her strategy for recruiting at the next meeting.
Ms. Durtschi reported for the combined Growth Management and Transportation subcommittees that it would now be called the Community Planning Subcommittee and she would be continuing as chair for the subcommittee. She said they had worked on the Title 8 Fact Sheet and Flowchart for citizens who wanted to appeal if their local jurisdictions weren’t properly following the Functional Plan. She distributed a flyer about the Green Streets books, a copy of which is included as part of this record. She said the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) was in its allocation process and she encouraged members to find out what their local jurisdictions intended to enter into the process. She displayed a Periodic Review Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Meetings Calendar distributed at the Council Community Planning Committee, which would be included in the next MCCI packet. She said the Goal 5 PIP needed to be amended to carry it on to the next step. She spoke to the recent Transportation Progress Report.
Chair Ganoe declared the seat occupied by Don Olson in District 3 vacant. He said an inquiry would be made John Milliken of District 5, who had missed four consecutive meetings.
Council Liaison Report
Mr. Donovan said that Councilor Burkholder had prior obligations and could not attend the meeting. He said Councilor Burkholder would be attending the MCCI retreat. Ms. Durtschi asked about the work regarding Measure 26-29. Mr. Donovan reviewed the elements of the measure and said legislation had been drafted to show Metro’s intent to fulfill the measure’s requirements.
There was discussion about increasing density and the proposed planned community in Damascus.
OCI Formation Process Update
Mr. Donovan distributed amended Ordinance No. 02-947A, a copy of which is included as part of this record. He said it had passed out of the September 12, 2002, Government Affairs Committee and thanked the MCCI members who testified at the committee. He spoke to the amendments to the ordinance. He said theamended ordinance would be presented on October 3, 2002 to the Metro Council in tandem with the revised Public Involvement Planning Guide (PIPG). He said the ordinance would go into effect on January 5, 2003.
Auditor Report
Alexis Dow, Metro Auditor, said that Camrynne Six, Administrative Assistant to the Auditor, would be returning at the end of the month. She said the Office of the Auditor had recently released its Status of Recommendations Report. She said that, historically, 75% to 80% of auditor recommendations were implemented. She said the office’s 18-month audit plan would be released in spring 2003. She said a report on transfer stations would be released in October 2002. She said a new audit tool could be used to hook into different computer programs and extract and compare desired data. In the next two weeks, the office would be releasing an annual report summarizing reports from the past year. Ms. Durtschi asked about the proposed audit of citizen involvement. Ms. Dow replied that citizen involvement would be looked at in the land-use planning area. Mr. Andreen said that Ordinance 02-947A should prove valuable for the auditor’s future work.
Ms. Stacey asked for an update on the Auditor’s Citizen Advisory Committee. Ms. Dow said she sent reports to the advisor committee members and solicited their input when needed. She said there was no formal meeting schedule. She said the members represented different backgrounds and she tried to ensure they had background in finance auditing and in areas related to Metro’s departments.
Staff Report
Ms. Stacey distributed the draft Communications Plan, a copy of which is included as part of this record. She announced that a scrapbook was being assembled as a farewell gift for Metro Executive Officer Mike Burton, and that MCCI was invited to contribute a page. Mr. Kyle volunteered to put together the MCCI page. Ms. Stacey announced that hardcopies were available of the full report from the Let’s Talk Conference, and passed around a sign-up sheet for members interested in obtaining their own copy. She asked members if they were interested in having former MCCI member Pat Russell send them articles of interest. Mr. Sherwood said he was interested.
Public Comment
There was none.
Ms. Durtschi said Portland’s Transportation Office was conducting a one-day travel behavior survey.
Ms. Tucker said she delivered a short spiel on Metro to the Roseway Neighborhood Association Board meeting. She said she would be providing a periodic Metro update in the neighborhood association’s newsletter.
Ms. Gillespie said the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association had had its annual picnic with a good turnout. She said she was in her fourth week of working in the Mayor’s Office on regulatory improvement, which fit into some of the issues discussed by MCCI.
Mr. Pennington said Citizen Participation Organization (CPO) 5 Sherwood would come out of its summer hiatus and meet later that month. He said the City of Wilsonville was likely to experience a recall of its mayor and two council members.
Mr. Kyle asked if Mike Burton had risen to the level of the Rock of Gibraltar award for the scrapbook.
Mr. Ganoe said the North Clackamas Citizens Association was out of its hiatus and Pat Russell, former MCCI member, was its new secretary.
Mr. Andreen said his upcoming CPO meeting would propose zoning for areas in the Beavercreek area, with the meeting to be attended by two of the three county commissioners and a state representative.
There being no further business before the committee, Chair Ganoe adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Prepared by,
Cary Stacey
Council Assistant
Chair Report | 09/16/02 | MCCI Retreat Draft Agenda | 091802mcrg-01 |
Subcommittee Reports | Undated | 19th Annual Salmon Festival Brochure | 091802mcrg-02 |
Subcommittee Reports | Undated | Get Street Smart! Flyer | 091803mcrg-01 |
OCI Formation Process Update | Undated | Ordinance No. 02-947A | 091802mcrg-04 |
Staff Report | 09/17/02 | Nov. 2002- June 2004 Communications Plan, Draft 3 | 091802mcrg-05 |