January 23, 2002 – 5:00 p.m.

Metro Regional Center, Council Chambers



Committee Members Present: Chair Michael Jordan, Vice Chair Tom Hughes, Bill Blosser, Larry Cooper, Rob Drake, Andy Duyck, Eugene Grant, Ed Gronke, John Hartsock, Richard Kidd, Mark Knudsen, Annette Mattson, Doug Neeley, David Ripma, Jim Zehren


Alternates Also Present: Alan Hipolito, Jack Hoffman, Chris Lassen, Dave Lohman


Also Present: Paul Curcio, DLCD; Brent Curtis, Washington County; Cindy Catto, AGC; Kelly Hossaini, Miller Nash; Doug McClain, Clackamas County; Greg Chew, Parsons Brinkerhoff; Mike Houck, Coalition for a Livable Future/Audubon Society; Kay Durtschi, Metro MCCI; Richard Ross, City of Gresham; Al Burns, City of Portland; Laura Oppenheimer, The Oregonian; Jon Holan, City of Forest Grove; Pat Ribellia, City of Hillsboro; Valerie Counts, City of Hillsboro; Hal Bergsma, City of Beaverton; Stephan Lashbrook, City of Lake Oswego; Ellen Hawes, Stoel Rives; Matthew Udziela, Cogan Owens Cogan; Linda Bauer; Bob Clay, City of Portland; Debbie Rink, PSU student; Ron Bunch, City of Gresham; Mary Kyle McCurdy, 1000 Friends of Oregon/Citizens for a Livable Future; Lynn Peterson, Tri-Met


Metro Elected Officials Present: LiaisonsCarl Hosticka, Presiding Officer; Rod Park, Metro Council District 1; Susan McLain, Metro Council District 4. Also attending: David Bragdon, Metro Council District 7


Metro Staff Present: Suzanne Myers Harold, Daniel B. Cooper, Dick Benner, Andy Cotugno, Brenda Bernards, Marci LaBerge, Mark Turpel, Mike Hoglund, Michael Morrissey, Mary Weber, Lydia Neill, Paul Ketcham



Chair Jordan called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Those present introduced themselves.


There were none.


There were none.


4.1  MPAC Meeting Summary, Minutes January 9, 2002

4.2  MTAC Nomination Approval

Motion #1

Mayor Hughes moved, with a second by Mr. Knudsen, to approve the consent agenda.


There was none.


The motion passed with Commissioner Neeley and Councilor Hoffman abstaining.



Presiding Officer Hosticka said the Metro Council is currently preparing its master schedule for 2002. He mentioned the Let’s Talk regional conference on March 15-16, 2002. A flyer for the conference is included in the meeting record.

Councilor Park said the Community Planning Committee is progressing on subregional issues, and will forward the issue to MPAC. He gave a brief update on Metro Scope and Ordinance
No. 01-925D.

6.  ORDINANCE NO. 01-925D

Mr. Benner reviewed the MTAC amendments to Ordinance No. 01-925D from the MTAC meeting on January 16, 2002, and the MTAC Commentary on Exceptions. Both documents are included in the meeting packet.

Councilor Ripma expressed concern that Metro would have the power to veto cities’ amendments to their comprehensive plans.

Mr. Cooper disagreed with Councilor Ripma’s interpretation of the ordinance. He said when a land use decision is adopted, the decision is vulnerable to appeal for 21 days by any party to the decision, including Metro. After 21 days, the decision is deemed in compliance. Ordinance No. 01-925D would not take away a city’s right or responsibility to amend its comprehensive plan.

Mr. Burns noted that MTAC discussed this concern. Under Ordinance No. 01-925D, cities would have more authority than they do now.

Motion #2

Mayor Grant moved, with a second by Councilor Hoffman, to move Ordinance
No. 01-925D, with the amendments proposed by MTAC, to the Metro Council with recommendation for adoption.


There was no further discussion.


The motion passed with Councilor Ripma voting no.



Mr. Cotugno reviewed the information in the meeting packet and the supplemental material distributed at the meeting (included in the meeting record). He asked for comments from MPAC on whether the Tualatin Basin Goal 5 Steering Committee should proceed with its work on the basin approach concurrently with Metro, or wait until Metro concludes its work on the basin approach before proceeding. He noted that allowing the work to proceed concurrently would allow the Tualatin Basin to link its Goal 5 work with the federal Endangered Species Act and Clean Water Act. Staff’s recommendation to MPAC was to recommend that the Council develop the basin approach. While there were still outstanding issues regarding the conditions, the basic parameters had been set.  

Councilor Ripma said the Tualatin Basin approach is fundamentally at odds with Metro’s obligation to pursue a regional approach to fish and wildlife protection. He said it leaves those jurisdictions outside the Tualatin Basin without an approach.

Mayor Hughes noted that while Metro works well for humans, the basin approach works better for habitat. The Tualatin Basin is politically unique and allows a chance to look at the basin approach.

Chair Jordan said MPAC agreed to look at the basin approach at a previous meeting. Tonight’s agenda item concerned MPAC’s comments to the Metro Council.

Commissioner Neeley said he agreed with the basin approach method. He encouraged the jurisdictions within the subbasin to work closely with the Tualatin Basin Goal 5 Steering Committee.

Mr. Houck submitted written comments, which are included in the meeting record. He recommended that MPAC put very specific sideboards on the definition of basin approach, to avoid the creation to two different Goal 5 processes.

Councilor Hoffman expressed concern that Metro was subcontracting 11 of the subbasins to Tualatin Basin.

Councilor McLain noted that members of the Tualatin Basin Goal 5 Steering Committee had raised the same concerns. It was important to be careful about definitions and specifics. Tualatin Basin recognized that its actions would affect other basins in the region. She noted that Metro would retain its authority to make the final decision.

Mayor Drake said the Tualatin Basin Goal 5 Steering Committee meetings are open to the public, and regularly attended by Mr. Houck, Sue Marshall of Tualatin Riverkeepers, and several Metro Councilors. He would like to proceed with the basin approach. Washington County has a history of working together successfully on all issues, not just water.

Presiding Officer Hosticka said the Council will decide next week whether to move into final negotiations. At this point, there was not resolution or final action under consideration. He expected to sign an intergovernmental agreement sometime in February.

Councilor McLain noted that the issue will be on the Metro Council Natural Resources Committee agenda for January 30, prior to the Council’s decision on January 31, 2002.

Chair Jordan encouraged members of MPAC to submit their comments to the Council.


Chair Jordan said he and Mr. Cotugno worked together to assign members to subcommittees, and any concerns should be addressed to him. He asked each subcommittees to designate a facilitator. Subcommittees will meet after the second MPAC meeting of the month.

There being no further business, Chair Jordan adjourned the meeting at 6:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,




Suzanne Myers Harold

MPAC Staff Liaison





The following have been included as part of the official public record:








Agenda Item 4.2


Memo RE: Updated/Corrected List of MTAC Nominations for MPAC Meeting January 23, 2002, from Paulette Copperstone to Chair Jordan and MPAC

012302 MPAC-01

Agenda Item 5


Brochure: Let’s Talk Regional Conference, March 15-16, 2002

012302 MPAC-02

Agenda Item 7


Basin Approach Supplemental Materials

012302 MPAC-03



Letter RE: Basin Approach, from Mike Houck to Chair Jordan and MPAC

012302 MPAC-04



Map: Tualatin Sub-basin Approach Jurisdiction Participation

012302 MPAC-05

Agenda Item 8


Memo RE: Subcommittee Assignments and Procedures, from Chair Jordan to MPAC

012302 MPAC-06


Winter 2002

Article: “Regional Centers: Do They Work?” by John Provo, Metroscape, Winter 2002, pp. 20-25

012302 MPAC-07



Letter RE: Implementation of Title 7, Affordable Housing of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, from Mike Burton to mayors (list of recipients attached)

012302 MPAC-08