February 13, 2002 – 5:00 p.m.

Metro Regional Center, Council Chambers



Committee Members Present: Chair Michael Jordan, Vice Chair Tom Hughes, Charles Becker, Larry Cooper, Paul Curcio, Nathalie Darcy, Rob Drake, Bernie Giusto, Eugene Grant, Judie Hammerstad, John Hartsock, Lisa Naito, Doug Neeley, David Ripma, Dan Saltzman, Jim Zehren


Alternates Present: Meg Fernekees, Jack Hoffman, Chris Lassen, Dave Lohman


Also Present: Hal Bergsma, City of Beaverton; Ron Bunch, City of Gresham; Greg Chew, Parsons Brinkerhoff; Bob Clay, City of Portland; Valerie Counts, City of Hillsboro; Brent Curtis, Washington County; Cindy Catto, AGC; Tom Coffee, Consultant; Michael Dennis, Tri-Met; Chris Eaton, Angelo Eaton and Assoc.; Mary Gibson, Port of Portland; Matt Grumm, City of Portland; Gregory Jenks, Clackamas County; Gil Kelley, City of Portland; Stephan Lashbrook, City of Lake Oswego; Doug McClain, Clackamas County; Mary Kyle McCurdy, 1000 Friends of Oregon; Irene Marvich, League of Women Voters; Richard Meyer, City of Cornelius; Laura Oppenheimer, The Oregonian; Pat Ribellia, City of Hillsboro; Kelly Ross, Home Builders Association; Richard Ross, City of Gresham; Matthew Udziela, Cogan Owens Cogan


Metro Elected Officials Present: LiaisonsCarl Hosticka, Presiding Officer; Rod Park, Metro Council District 1; Susan McLain, Metro Council District 4. Also attending: David Bragdon, Metro Council District 7


Metro Staff Present: Brenda Bernards, Dan Cooper, Andy Cotugno, Suzanne Myers Harold, Mike Hoglund, Marci LaBerge, Michael Morrissey, Tim O’Brien, Mark Turpel, Mary Weber, Dennis Yee



Chair Jordan called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Those present introduced themselves.


There were none.


There were none.


4.1  Meeting minutes for January 23, 2002

Motion #1

Mayor Becker moved, with a second by Mr. Hartsock, to approve the consent agenda.


There was none.


The motion passed with Ms. Darcy abstaining.



Councilor McLain said on February 20, 2002, the Natural Resources Committee will address developed floodplains mapping, uplands and wildlife, and waters of the state, and consider the request for proposals (RFP) for the regional economic, social, energy and environmental (ESEE) analysis of fish and wildlife habitat protection. She clarified that Metro is submitting an RFP for assistance on the economic aspect of the analysis.

Councilor Park noted three upcoming issues in Community Planning Committee: map corrections, requests for exceptions to the Functional Plan, and the very tight timeline for defining subregional methodology.

Presiding Officer Hosticka presented Resolution No. 02-3163, which will go before the full Council on Thursday, February 14, 2002. The resolution would place on the May 2002 ballot a alternative to ballot measure 26-11, the Neighborhood Preservation Act of 2000. A copy of Resolution No. 02-3163 and the Neighborhood Preservation Act of 2000 is included in the meeting record. Resolution No. 02-3163 is intended to achieve measure 26-11’s goal of protecting existing single family neighborhoods from Metro-mandated density increases, without the legal problems inherent in measure 26-11. He said the timeline was very short in order to ensure that the item is on the May ballot. He asked for reactions from MPAC.

Mr. Dan Cooper reviewed measure 26-11 and Resolution No. 02-3163, details of which are included in the staff report to Resolution No. 02-3163.

Mayor Drake said measure 26-11 would create significant duplication of effort and cost to notify affected neighborhoods of land use decisions, by requiring Metro to conduct a parallel process with cities and counties.

Presiding Officer Hosticka asked if, under measure 26-11, Metro would be guilty of “indirectly” requiring a city or county to increase density if Metro does not expand the urban growth boundary enough to maintain current, average levels of density.

Mr. Dan Cooper said he did not know.

Mr. Zehren said he supported the resolution, although he noted concern about specific language in the bill. In particular, he said that Exhibit A, Section 1(4)(a), “Livability Protection,” is a plaintiff lawyer’s dream. Anyone who disagreed with a Metro action could file suit under one of the provisions.

Councilor Burkholder, who introduced Resolution No. 02-3163, said it was the intent of Section 1(4)(a) to restate Metro’s mission to create livable communities.

Councilor Ripma asked if there was a legal precedent to the final paragraph of Exhibit B, that if both Metro’s ballot measure and measure 26-11 pass, whichever measure receives the greater number of affirmative votes will become effective.

Mr. Dan Cooper said he had researched the issue and believed the language was consistent with state law and would hold up in court.

Chair Jordan apologized for the last-minute nature of the item. He recommended that any comments be directed to Mr. Dan Cooper or the Council by the morning of Thursday, February 14, 2002.


Mr. Cotugno presented the periodic review case study results. A copy of the presentation slides is included in the meeting record.

Mayor Hughes asked about residential population capture rate and sprawl. At what point should the region become concerned that the capture rate is too low?

Mr. Cotugno said he believed the base case assumption of 66% capture rate was realistic, and that anything below 59% should cause concern.

Mr. Neeley asked why MetroScope found that focusing growth in centers would result in longer vehicle trips. He said it was counterintuitive.

Mr. Cotugno said he did not know yet and was looking into it.


Due to time, agenda item six was omitted.

There being no further business, Chair Jordan adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,




Suzanne Myers Harold

MPAC Coordinator




The following have been included as part of the official public record:








Agenda Item 5


Resolution No. 02-3163

021302 MPAC-01



Ballot Measure 26-11, Neighborhood Preservation Act of 2000

021302 MPAC-02

Agenda Item 7


Presentation materials: Periodic Review Case Study Results

021302 MPAC-03



Memo RE: Periodic Review – Subregional Analysis: Options for review by the Department of Land Conservation an Development, from Andy Cotugno to Councilor Park

021302 MPAC-04



Draft Memo RE: Policy Analysis of Subregional Issues – Proposed Methodology, from Andy Cotugno to Councilor Park

021302 MPAC-05



Memo RE: Sub-Regional Issues, from Councilor McLain to Council, staff, MPAC Sub-Committee

021302 MPAC-06



Letter RE: 2002 Metro UGB Periodic Review – Subregional Approach to Land Need and attachments, from Mayor Ralph Brown, City of Cornelius, and Mayor Richard Kidd, City of Forest Grove, to Presiding Officer Hosticka and Chair Jordan

021302 MPAC-07