
Economic Technical Advisory Committee






Meeting Date:    Monday, July 29, 2002


Time:      2:00 PM


Place:      Council Annex, Metro Center, 600 NE Grand Avenue



1. Introductions  (5 minutes)


2. Minutes - Approval  (5 minutes)


3. Context of ESEE work  (20 minutes)  

(Summary of legal requirements and what has been done elsewhere)


4. Revisions to Metro’s approach  (60 minutes)

A.  Overview of Metro approach

B.  2040 hierarchy ( proposed revisions to table and application of

criteria to regional map)

C.  Jobs and market data

1.  Brief overview of forecast & Metroscope

2.  Traded/non-traded sector jobs (list and map)

D.  Integration of the data

1.  Regional analysis

2.  Subwatershed analysis


5. Consultant scope of work  (70 minutes)

A.  Overview of progress with consultant

B.  Overview of consultant Scope of Work (Methods and Products)

C.  Discussion

1.  Purpose/scope/constraints of economic analysis

2.  Does the approach to the final product make sense?

3.  Data and analytical methods – other suggestions and potential impact on budget


6. Next steps  (5 minutes)

A.  Next ETAC meeting

B.  Other?