Z obsolete RRS - Office of the Auditor - Audit Reports - Work Papers - Openspaces: Program, WC, Acquisitions
PLEASE NOTE: A Notice of Destruction was prepared for this box in July 2007. Subsequently, Suzanne Flynn, Metro Auditor requested that the box be pulled from Iron Mountain for review. In October 2007, the Metro Auditor notified the Metro Records Officer that the contents of the box would be retained permanently in the Office of the Auditor for reference and research purposes (given their pertinence to the Open Spaces/Natural Areas program). Hence, the boxwas permanently withdrawn from Iron Mountain on October 31, 2007. The Iron Mountain box number, along with the Metro internal box number have both been retired. The memorandum from the Metro Auditor (dated October 19, 2007) has been retained on file, along with a hard copy of the original destruction notice and box list. This request does not provide the basis for a conditional hold, nor does it support established rules for the timely destruction of records (based upon Metro Records Retention Schedule requirements or records management best practices). If it is determined at a later date that the records are no longer needed, the records will be destroyed (via on-site, confidential shredding) rather than re-boxed and sent to off-site storage. Please contact the Metro Records Officer with any questions.