Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 10-1238A: For the Purpose of Adopting Urban Reserves and Conforming Amendments to the Regional Framework Plan and the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan.



Councilors Robert Liberty and Rod Park voted no. This record is available in both hard copy and electronic format. PLEASE NOTE: The hard copy record is organized in two parts with the following contents: Part I: Ordinance No. 10-1238A (as adopted) Exhibit A 2040 Growth Concept Map Exhibit B: Regional Framework Plan Exhibit C: Title 5 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan (repealed) Exhibit D: Title 11: Planning for New Urban Areas Exhibit E: Reasons for Designation of Urban and Rural Reserves Staff Report Attachment 1: Comparison of Coordinated Public Involvement Plan for Urban and Rural Reserves (March 2008) with Implemented Regional Public Involvement Processes (dated June 1, 2010) Attachment 2: Responses to Comments by Local Governments Attachment 3: Final Report to MPAC on Addressing Large-Industrial-Site Demand (Dated May 5, 2010). Part II: Attachment 5: Regional Planning and Development State of the Centers - Investing in Our Communities (Dated January 2009) Attachment 6: The Damascus Story Attachment 7: Metro Reserves Study Area - Map 6 Development Constraints and IGA Ordinance No. 10-1238 (draft) and exhibits.

Related to: MEET10/465: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Action Updates 1979-2023 - Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, May 20, 2010 Related to: MEET10/474: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Action Updates 1979-2023 - Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, June 3, 2010 Related to: MIN10/00035: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Work Session Minutes Related to: MP10/63: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Work Session Meeting Packet Related to: AGEN10/00039: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Work Session Agenda Related to: MIN10/00036: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Minutes Related to: MP10/64-01: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: AGEN10/00040: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Agenda Related to: MP10/64-02: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: MEET10/477: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Action Updates 1979-2023 - Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, June 10, 2010 Related to: AGEN10/00047: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Agenda Related to: MIN10/00041: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Minutes Related to: MP10/67-01: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: MP10/67-02: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: MP10/67-03: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Council Meeting Packet Related to: 11-4245: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 11-4245: For the Purpose of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between Metro and Washington County to Re-Designate Urban Reserves in the County. Related to: 11-1255: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 11-1255: For the Purpose of Revising the "Urban Growth Boundary and Urban and Rural Reserves Map" in Title 14 (Urban Growth Boundary) of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan. Related to: MEET10/432: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Agenda Related to: MEET10/433: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Packet Related to: MEET10/434: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Minutes Related to: MEET10/444: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Agenda Related to: MEET10/445: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Packet Related to: MEET10/446: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Minutes Related to: MEET10/459: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Agenda Related to: MEET10/460: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Packet Related to: MEET10/461: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC) Minutes Related to: 16-1368: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 16-1368: For the Purpose of Responding to the Remand from the Oregon Court of Appeals and the Land Conservation and Development Commission Regarding the Designation of Urban Reserves in Clackamas County Related to: 17-4764: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 17-4764: For the Purpose of Accepting the Recommendations of the Urban Growth Readiness Task Force. Related to: 17-1408: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 17-1408: For the Purpose of Adopting Amendments to Title 14 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan to Improve the Regional Growth Management Plan.