Planning - Land Use Planning - Metro Land Use Decision Records, Full Record and Submittal - Land Use Final Order - Columbia River Crossing - Ordinance No. 11-4280


LUBA No. 2011-080: Weber Coastal Bells Ltd Partners v. Metro, LUBA No. 2011-081: Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and Coalition for a Livable Future v. Metro, LUBA No. 2011-082: Plaid Pantries v. Metro, LUBA No. 2011-083: Jantzen/Angel LLC v. Metro This record is in 26 parts. Part fifteen contains pages 6501 - 7000. PLEASE NOTE: An index to the contents of this box is available electronically. TO REQUEST A RECORD: Please provide the Metro Archivist with the record number you need and the length of time you will need the record. Your request will be submitted to Metro's off-site records storage vendor for transfer, and the archivist will notify you when the requested record arrives at the Metro Regional Center.