Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 12-4397: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Certain Property Subject to an Unusual Circumstance in the Tualatin River Greenway Target Area With 2006 Natural Areas Bond Measure Proceeds.



DISPOSITION: WITHDRAWN FROM CONSIDERATION; WILL BE RECONSIDERED IN SPRING 2013. PLEASE NOTE: Ignore Date Adopted entry. The database does not allow this field to remain empty. The 12/31/2012 date represents the date this record was entered into the database. This record is available in both hard copy and electronic format.

Related to: 07-3766A: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 07-3766A: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Property With Accepted Acquisition Guidelines as Outlined in the Natural Areas Implementation Work Plan. Related to: 07-3849: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - Metro Council Ordinances, Resolutions, Orders, and Indices - 07-3849: Approving the Natural Areas Acquisition Refinement Plan For the Tualatin River Greenway Target Area.