Council Retreat

December 15, 2003



Attendees: Doug Anderson, David Bragdon, Rex Burkholder, Dan Cooper, Andy Cotugno, Alexis Dow, Mike Hoglund, Carl Hosticka, Michael Jordan, Susan McLain, Rod Monroe, Brian Newman, Rod Park, Bill Stringer, Mike Wetter


Excise Tax:


Discussion centered on whether there should be an excise tax increase, whether to do it all at once or phase it in, and whether to look at stratification for this process. There was concern about the impact of an excise tax increase on the solid waste industry and any possible ramifications for Metro. Discussion also centered on what uses the money would be put to as there seemed to be several goals to accomplish over the next few years such as transportation priorities (A3 of Andy Cotugno’s work plan) and Operation and Maintenance Development for parks. There was concern that a cushion of funds be established to ensure continuing Metro operations over a number of years. It was suggested that a cap be established. There was also interest in creating a bond measure for parks at a later date (when the economy stabilizes and the school funding problems are settled) and if successful, then the excise tax could be reduced or the money put towards other projects.


The Council asked staff to provide financial information on areas of concern for the next 5 years as well as scenarios on various caps with explanation so that they could better look at the question of how much cap Metro would need in order to have a sufficient cushion before taking measures to realign the budget.


Thoughts on excise tax increase rollout:


•  Message

•  Preparation

•  Garbage affects nature/conservation

•  Industry and local governments to partner

•  Potential allies

•  Potential detractors

•  Current programs for solid waste: SWAC and Rate Review Committee


It was decided that they would institute an excise tax that would phase in an additional $3 over the next few years. They would make one decision (legislate once) that would cover the subsequent years and the phase-in process. They would not deal with stratification, and that the first excise tax increase would take place on July 1st, 2004, the start of the next fiscal year.



Visitor Facilities:


Discussion centered on what the ultimate Metro/Metro Facility structure should be and how to make that a more efficient, effective, and accountable system. Support services were a big factor in this discussion.


The Council asked staff to provide a list of organizational issues and a sustainability projection.



Respectfully submitted,





Kim Bardes