Personnel - Position Description, Classification, and Compensation - Position Description, Classification and Compensation - MERC Non-Represented (Exempt Positions) Pay Schedule OBSOLETE


Effective 7/1/2015 - HR/js Revised 8/13/2015 - HR/js Updated effective 7/1/2016 Updated 7/11/2016 changed Audio Visual Production Supervisor to Audio Visual Services Supervisor. HR/js Updated following MERC Market Study 2/17/2017 - HR/js Updated references to PCPA to P'5 9/1/17 (HR-js) Updated to include Assistant Director of Marketing 9/15/17 (HR-js) Updated to include Supervisor of Security Services 12/22/17 (HR-js) Added Executive Director-OCC, P5, Expo 4/16/18 (HR-js) Updated 4/19/2018 (HR-js) New job added Asst Guest Services Manager 5/11/18 (HR-js) FY2018-19 pay schedule uploaded (HR-js) 7/10/18 New job added Director of Marketing (HR-js) 2/1/2019 New job added Director of Ticket Services (HR-js) 3/5/2019 New job added Education and Community Engagement Program Manager (HR-js) 4/24/2019 Uploaded FY19-20 pay schedule (HR-js) 20190702 New job added Asst Director of Production Services (HR-js) 8/15/19 All classifications moved to the Metro Non-rep pay schedule effective 1/13/2020 (HR-js) 2/21/2020