Personnel - Position Description, Classification, and Compensation - Position Description, Classification and Compensation - AFSCME 3580 Pay Schedule


Updated payscale for AFSCME 3580 Updated payscale for AFSCME 3580 7/1/2016 Updated payscale for AFSCME 3580 12/30/2016 New job added Updated payscale for AFSCME 3580 3/2/2017 New job added Updated payscale for AFSCME 3580 8/1/2017 Removed Visitor Services Worker III classification 2/21/18 (HR-js) Added Construction Project Manager I, II (pay grade 20, 22) (HR-js) Construction Coordinator changed to level I Removed Associate Transportation Modeler (obsolete class) (HR-js) FY2018-19 pay schedule uploaded (HR-js) 7/10/18 Updated pay schedule after adjustments made 12/31/2018 (HR-js) Removed Asst and Assoc Engineer classifications. They were made obsolete in 2015. (HR-js) 04/03/2019 Added Technical Specialist III (HR-js) 4/22/2019 Added Facilities Maintenance Specialist and hid Faciliites Coordinator (HR-js) 4/23/19 Uploaded FY19-20 pay schedule. Contains Transportation Engineer I new classification (HR-js) 20190702 Updated to add RIM Analyst I to schedule and edit for RIM Analyst II (HR-js) 7/22/19 Added Program Coordinator I, II 8/29/2019 (HR-js) Added Traffic Control/Load Inspector Technician I, II (HR-js) 9/5/19 Moved Senior Engineer from range 21 to 22 (HR-js) 9/9/2019 Added Program Manager to schedule (HR-js) 10/16/19 Added Lead Safety and Security Officer (HR-js) 12/18/19 Added Mailroom Coordinator (HR-js) 01/10/2020 Added Procurement Analyst I, II and III (HR-js) 01/23/2020 Removed 5 classifications that were made obsolete (HR-js) 2/5/2020 Updated pay schedule for 7/1/2020 (HR-js) 7/7/2020 Procurement Analyst needed to be fixed to show non-exempt. Fixed it (HR-js) 8/28/2020 Scalehouse Technician, Lead Scalehouse Technician, Building Custodian-MRC and Lead Building Custodian-MRC all changed to different pay ranges effective 1.13.2020 (HR-js) 9/10/2020