Personnel - Position Description, Classification, and Compensation - Position Description, Classification and Compensation - LIU 483 Regular Pay Schedule


Changed title of Nutrition Technician I to Nutrition Technician 8/24/2015 (HR/js) Changed title of Gardener and Senior Gardener to Horticulturist and Senior Horticulturist 9/9/2015 (HR/js) Updated pay schedule effective 7/1/2016 Updated pay schedule effective 7/1/2017 Updated pay schedule effective 2/2/2018 Updated pay schedule effective 2/8/18 to show missing column. Updated for new minimum wages effective 7/1/18 (HR-js) Updated for new contract effective 7/1/2018 (HR-js) Ticket Seller classification removed (HR-js) 3/22/2019 Reactivated Nutrition Technician 2 and added to pay schedule (HR-js) 4/2/2019 Added a 1 to Nutrition Technician, now Nutrition Technician 1 (HR-js) 4/24/19 Uploaded FY19-20 pay schedule (HR-js) 07/2/2019 Uploaded FY20-21 pay schedule (HR-js) 7/7/2020