Z obsolete RRS - MERC - Administration - MERC Commission - Commission Meeting Records - Recordings - Meeting Recording


PLEASE NOTE: This record was destroyed on 05/28/2019 per Metro Records Retention Schedule guidelines. Please contact the Metro Records Officer with any questions.

Related to: MEET17/53: Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Governing Body, Agendas, Meeting Packets, Minutes and Exhibits - MERC Meeting Packet Related to: 17-04: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - MERC Commission Resolutions - 17-04: For the purpose of approving and transmitting to the Metro Council budget amendments to the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission (MERC) Fund Approved Budget for fiscal year 2016-17 and requesting amendment [See Notes for full title] Related to: 17-05: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - MERC Commission Resolutions - 17-05: For the purpose of approving Point Monitor, Inc. Work Order #2 for the Antoinette Hatfield Hall (AHH) Fire Alarm System Replacement. Related to: 17-06: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - MERC Commission Resolutions - 17-06: For the purpose of selecting Tube ARt Displays, Inc. for the Arlene Schnitzer Concert hall - "Portland" Sign Repair and Refurbishment and authorizing the General Manager of Visitor Venues to execute a contract with Tube Art Displays, Inc. Related to: 17-07: Governance and Policy - Governance Management - MERC Commission Resolutions - 17-07: For the purpose of approving the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission ("MERC") 2017-18 Proposed Budget and 2017-18 Capital Plan.