Personnel - Position Description, Classification, and Compensation - Position Description, Classification and Compensation - IATSE 28-1 Pay Schedule


IATSE 28-1 is a new employee gorup effective 7/1/2016. (HR/js) Pay scheduled published 5/25/2017 Retitled the jobs to match the classification titles (HR-js) 4/2/18 FY2018-19 pay schedule posted (HR-js) 7/10/2018 The -1 of IATSE 28-1 was changed in the display title on the Pay Schedules webpage to IATSE 28-Audio Visual jobs at Oregon Convention Center at the request of IATSE 28 representative. The document title remains IATSE 28-1 (HR-js) 3/7/19 Uploaded FY19-20 pay schedule (HR-js) 20190702 Updated pay schedule for 71/2020 (HR-js) 7/7/2020