Governance and Policy - Governance Management - MERC Commission Resolutions - 91-153: Authorizing the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer to enter into an Air Space Lease agreement between the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission/Oregon Convention Center and the Oregon Department of Transportation fo... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES>


<import_note> The imported title was longer than allowed. Full title from import source: 91-153: Authorizing the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer to enter into an Air Space Lease agreement between the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission/Oregon Convention Center and the Oregon Department of Transportation for property located directly west of the Oregon Convention Center, known as the Truck Marshaling Area, consisting of approximately 94,000 gross square feet of area under Interstate 5, and bounded by Occident, First and Oregon Streets, for said amount and under terms and conditions as set forth in attached lease agreement </import_note> This record is available in both hard copy and electronic format.