Governance and Policy - Governance Management - MERC Commission Resolutions - 94-19: Authorizing the General Manager, on behalf of the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission, to execute month extension thru 12/31/1994 to the current agreements for Automated Ticketing Services with G.I Joes/TicketMas... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES>
<import_note> The imported title was longer than allowed. Full title from import source: 94-19: Authorizing the General Manager, on behalf of the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission, to execute month extension thru 12/31/1994 to the current agreements for Automated Ticketing Services with G.I Joes/TicketMaster and Oregon Ticket Company/Fastixx to 12/31/1 994 for the Oregon Convention Center Portland Center for the Performing Arts and the Civic Stadium </import_note> This record is available in both hard copy and electronic format.