Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Engagement Committees, Major Regional Issues - Future Vision Commission Records – Reports and Supporting Documents - Supporting Documents - Oregon


Description: The New Burbs: The Exurbs and Their Implications for Planning Policy [August 1991] Portland Metroplex: 2015 Trends Analysis conducted for Metro [June 28, 1993] A Guide to Community Visioning: Hands-on Information for Local Communities [1993] Workstyles Study [March 1994] Metro Measured: Transportation, Housing, Regional Growth [May 1994] Oregon’s Approach to Urban Policy: Oregon as a Public Policy Innovator [May 4, 1995 The Functions and Powers of Regional Government, Metro Charter Committee [undated] LUTRAQ: Looking for a Smarter Way to Grow, Chris Lazarus in Earthword Transportation Planning No. 4 [undated]; Managing Oregon’s Growth: The Politics of Development Planning, The Conservation Foundation [undated] Table 1. RUGGO based Criteria and Proposed Responsibilities and supporting documents [undated] These records are available in both hard copy and electronic formats.