Administrative - Meeting Management - Meeting Records, Engagement Committees, Major Regional Issues - Future Vision Commission Records – Reports and Supporting Documents - Articles, Papers and Excerpts


Description: Cultural Carrying Capacity: A Biological Approach to Human Problems, Focus, Vol. 2 No. 3 [1992) Population and Economics: A Bioeconomic Analysis, Focus [Spring 1992] Oregon’s Real Economy, Old Oregon [Winter 1992] The Sinking Ark: Pollution and Worldwide Loss of Diversity, Biodiversity and Conservation 1 [February 18, 1992] Automobile club should work to urge other travel modes (letter to the editor [November 15, 1992] Living with Nature, U.S. News [November 30, 1992] The Next Los Angeles: Reinventing our Future – What will it take to push us beyond business as usual? Los Angeles Times [February 13, 1994] Growing Pains, Oregon Quarterly [Spring 1994] Natural Resources and an Optimum Human Population, Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 15, No., 5, Cornell University [May 1994] Where the Good Jobs Go, Lesser and Weitzman Advisory [undated] How Superstore Sprawl Can Harm Communities and What Citizens Can Do About It, National Trust for Historic Preservation [undated] Winning Back the Cities: A Choice Guide, Australian Consumers’ Association [undated] Flow Chart of The Carrying Capacity Concept [undated] These records are available in both hard copy and electronic formats.