


DATE:  March 15, 2005

DAY:  Tuesday

TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

PLACE:  Metro Regional Center, Room 370A   Note room change  





1.  Call to Order (5 min)  Rod Park

Consideration of minutes for the March 8, 2005 meeting.

2.  Policy Background (40 min)  Doug Anderson

History of Metro rates and allocation policies, including the Rate Review Committee’s work last year. Historical relation of Metro’s rate structures to other policies and actions by Metro in regulatory and recovery programs over time. Introduction to the effects of Metro rates on the regional solid waste system, including the impact on collection costs and the economics of privately-owned facilities.

3.  Discussion (60 min)  Rod Park

Discussion of various rate policies and their effects. The main purpose of this discussion is to provide/confirm a policy foundation before beginning the discussion of FY 2005-06 rates.

4.  Wrap Up (15 min)  Rod Park

Committee work plan, meeting agendas and schedule. Please bring your calendars.


Please contact Tom Chaimov at Metro with any questions at or 503-797-1681.







Committee Members


Metro Staff

Matt Korot, City of Gresham

Paul Matthews, Integrated Utilities Group

Michael Hoglund, SWR Director

Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal

Mike Miller, Gresham Sanitary

Douglas Anderson, SWR Manager

Ray Phelps, Allied

Michelle Poyourow, Public Power Council

Tom Chaimov, Senior SW Planner

Councilor Rod Park, Chair

Karen Feher, Finance & Admin.




t:\remfma\committees\rrc\fy 05-06\mtg2 mar15 policies\agenda 031505.doc
