


DATE:  April 20, 2005

DAY:  Wednesday

TIME:  5:30 – 7:30 p.m.   NOTE TIME CHANGE

PLACE:  Metro Regional Center, Room 370A



1.  Call to Order (10 min)  Rod Park

Consideration of minutes for the April 5 meeting;* distribution of draft minutes for the April 12 meeting.
Timeline for adoption and implementation of rates* (information only).

2.  Finalizing the Rate Recommendation (60 min)  Rod Park

Issues remaining from April 12:

•  Finish any work on RRC’s allocation recommendations*: (a) Metro’s solid waste sustainability costs; (b) the incremental cost of serving public customers; and (c) inspection-related costs.

•  Rate Predictability: Recommend options for managing the impact of the debt service on rates. Staff suggested two phasing options to avoid a sudden rate drop after July 1, 2009 when Metro’s bonds mature. Two options were distributed last week: (a) begin phasing-in the use of reserves to pay the debt service; and (b) begin a phased reallocation of debt service from the disposal charge to the RSF. The status quo—recovery of full debt service costs from rates—also remains an option.

3.  Develop Findings (45 min)  Rod Park

As a final step prior to recommending the FY 05-06 rates, the RRC may wish to develop findings supporting the committee’s recommended changes. The agency’s Rate Setting Criteria* are attached to provide a starting point for the discussion.

4.  Wrap Up (5 min)  Rod Park

Confirm the time and agenda for the next meeting.


* Starred materials are attached or enclosed with this agenda.

Please contact Tom Chaimov at Metro with any questions at or 503-797-1681.



Committee Members


Metro Staff

Matt Korot, City of Gresham

Paul Matthews, Integrated Utilities Group

Michael Hoglund, SWR Director

Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal

Mike Miller, Gresham Sanitary

Douglas Anderson, SWR Manager

Ray Phelps, Allied

Michelle Poyourow, Public Power Council

Tom Chaimov, Senior SW Planner

Councilor Rod Park, Chair

Karen Feher, Finance & Admin.


T:\Remfma\committees\RRC\FY 05-06\Mtg7 Apr 20\RRC042005aga.doc


Attachment 1

Rate Review Committee Agenda

April 20, 2005


Timeline for Adoption and Implementation of FY 2005-06 Solid Waste Rates



April 26  RRC finalizes recommendation

April 28  Presentation to SWAC

May 2 (week of)  RRC members' review of SWAC comments & draft legislative package

 (via email)

May 11  File legislative package

May 19  1st reading of Rate Ordinance

June 2  2nd reading (and adoption) of Rate Ordinance

September 1  FY 2005-06 rates effective

 (after 90 day referral period)




Attachment 2

Rate Review Committee Agenda

April 20, 2005


RRC Allocation Recommendations

(by vote, April 12, 2005)







Metro’s sustainability costs

Disposal Charge

Regional System Fee

Public customers—incremental cost

Transaction/disposal fees

Regional System Fee

25% of inspection-related costs

Regional System Fee

“3rd Fee”


Attachment 3

Rate Review Committee Agenda

April 20, 2005


Rate Setting Criteria


Adapted from Resolution #93-1824A




1.  Consistency: Solid waste rate setting should be consistent with Metro’s agency-wide planning policies and objectives, including but not limited to the Solid Waste Management Plan.


2.  Revenue Adequacy and Reliability: Rates should be sufficient to generate revenues that fund the costs of the solid waste system.


3.  Equity: Charges to users of the waste management system should be directly related to services received. Charges to residents of the Metro service district who may not be direct users of the disposal system should be related to other benefits received.


4.  Waste Reduction: The rate structure should encourage waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.


5.  Affordability: Rate setting should consider the customers’ ability to pay, e.g., the cost of living for residential customers and the cost of doing business for commercial customers.


6.  Implementation and Administration: Rate setting should balance the relative cost and effort of implementing and administering the rates with financial and policy goals. Rates should be enforceable.


7.  Credit Rating Impacts: The rate structure should not negatively impact Metro’s credit rating.


8.  Authority to Implement: Metro should ensure that it has the legal ability to implement the rate structure; or, if such authority is not already held, evaluate the relative difficulty of obtaining the authority.


9.  Predictability: Metro rate adjustments should be predictable and orderly to allow local governments, haulers, and rate payers to perform effective planning.








T:\Remfma\committees\RRC\FY 05-06\Mtg7 Apr 20\RRC042005aga.doc
