


DATE:  April 12, 2005

DAY:  Tuesday

TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

PLACE:  Metro Regional Center, Room 370A





1.  Call to Order (10 min)  Rod Park

Consideration of minutes for March 29, and distribution of draft minutes for the April 5 meeting.

2.  Moving Toward a Rate Recommendation (60 min)  Rod Park

Discussion of cost allocations to the “3rd fee” and design of the fee.
Discussion of other policy issues that affect allocations to rate components*
Comparison of models and their performance on rate criteria and other policies.
Identification of unresolved issues and further work needed.

Attached to this agenda is the worksheet distributed last time, Notes for the FY 2005-06 Rate Recommendation*. This framework was offered to assist with organizing the issues needed for the rate ordinance, and those that should be subject to further study. Committee members may want to use this as an organizing framework as they discuss the various policy options above.

3.  Wrap Up (5 min)  Park/Hoglund


* Starred materials are attached or enclosed with this agenda.

Please contact Tom Chaimov at Metro with any questions at or 503-797-1681.




Committee Members


Metro Staff

Matt Korot, City of Gresham

Paul Matthews, Integrated Utilities Group

Michael Hoglund, SWR Director

Mike Leichner, Pride Disposal

Mike Miller, Gresham Sanitary

Douglas Anderson, SWR Manager

Ray Phelps, Allied

Michelle Poyourow, Public Power Council

Tom Chaimov, Senior SW Planner

Councilor Rod Park, Chair

Karen Feher, Finance & Admin.



T:\Remfma\committees\RRC\FY 05-06\Mtg.6 Apr12\RRC041205aga.doc



Notes for the FY 2005-06 Rate Recommendation



Decision Elements


Option: Cost-of-Service


Option: Status Quo (phased COS)


“3rd Fee”






Transaction Fee






Disposal Charge






Regional System Fee















For rate ordinance staff report and Council discussion.















For rate ordinance staff report and/or consid-erations for Disposal System Planning project.








Related Issues


Parking lot. Forward to Disposal System Planning project.









T:\Remfma\committees\RRC\FY 05-06\Mtg5\agenda 040505.doc