Records - allRelated:12467 (AGEN96/00031) - 17 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
96-646: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Continue Metro's Match Funding of Envirocorps, Transferring $25,000 From the General Fund to the Regional Parks and Expo Fund; and Declaring an Emergency. 96-646 08/08/1996
96-651: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Adjusting the Growth Management Department Budget in the Planning Fund to Recognize Additional Funding From the State of Oregon and Authorize Additional FTE to Staff the 2040 State Task Force; and Declaring an Emergency 96-651 08/08/1996
96-650A: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Code Regarding Salary Administration For Non-Represented Employees. 96-650A 08/08/1996
96-648: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring $50,143 From the Support Services Fund Contingency to Administrative Services Department Materials and Services, to Provide Funding to Prepay Mainframe Computer Maintenance Support and Operating System Licensing; and Declaring an Emergency 96-648 08/08/1996
96-649: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to Oregon Recycling Systems For Operating a Solid Waste Processing and Recovery Facility. 96-649 09/12/1996
96-647C: For the Purpose of Adopting a Functional Plan For Early Implementation of the 2040 Growth Concept. 96-647C 11/21/1996
96-2380: A Resolution Authorizing a Loan to Metro From the Oregon Economic Development Department's Special Public Works Fund Loan Program. 96-2380 08/08/1996
96-2376: For the Purpose of Writing Off Solid Waste Disposal Costs Relating to Flood Damage. 96-2376 08/08/1996
96-2370: For the Purpose of Authorizing Execution of Two-Year Contracts For Primary Service of the Existing Hardware and For Licensing of the Financial Computer Operating System. 96-2370 08/08/1996
96-2369: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Long Term Lease Agreement of Property For a Cellular Telephone Antenna Site at the M. James Gleason Boat Ramp. 96-2369 08/08/1996
96-2381: For the Purpose of Amending the Refinement Plan For the Rock Creek Greenway Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2381 08/08/1996
96-2377: For the Purpose of Amending the Refinement Plan For the Rock Creek Greenway Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2377 08/08/1996
96-2371: For the Purpose of Granting a Transmission Line Easement Located at Blue Lake Regional Park to Portland General Electric. 96-2371 08/08/1996
Council Minutes MIN96/00029 08/08/1996
Council Meeting Packet MEET23/166 08/08/1996