Records - allRelated:14597 (MP99/55-02) - 16 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN99/00209 12/02/1999
Council Minutes MIN99/00168 12/02/1999
99-831: For the Purpose of Repealing Metro Ordinance No. 99-824A and Declaring an Emergency. 99-831 12/09/1999
99-832: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1999-00 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Transferring $510,000 From Contingency to Capital Outlay in the Convention Center Project Capital Fund, Authorizing an Interfund Loan From the Solid Waste Revenue Fund to the Convention Center Project Capital Fund to Provide For Cash Flow; and Declaring an Emergency 99-832 12/09/1999
99-834: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary and the 2040 Growth Concept Map in Ordinance 95-625A in the Urban Reserve Areas 39 and 41 in Clackamas County. 99-834 12/16/1999
99-820: For the Purpose of Granting a New Yard Debris Composting Facility License to Clackamas Compost Products, LLC to Operate a Yard Debris Composting Facility, and Rescinding License Number YD-0197, and Declaring an Emergency. 99-820 12/02/1999
99-2805: For the Purpose of Confirming Nathalie Darcy as a Citizen Member Alternate to the Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC). 99-2805 12/02/1999
99-2856: For the Purpose of Approving a FY 1999-2000 Organic Waste Management Work Plan, and Authorizing Release of Budgeted Funds. 99-2856 12/02/1999
99-2860: For the Purpose of Appointing Jennifer Allen, Ron Hernandez and Juliet Hyams to Three Expiring Terms on the Central Station Community Enhancement Committee. 99-2860 12/02/1999
99-2861: For the Purpose of Appointing the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI): Bill Kirby and Leeanne MacColl. 99-2861 12/02/1999
99-2864: For the Purpose of Selection and Funding Allocation of $1 Million to Transportation Management Associations For FY 2000 to FY 2003. 99-2864 12/02/1999
99-2865: For the Purpose of Approving the Smith and Bybee Lakes Wildlife Area Recreation Facility Plan. 99-2865 12/02/1999
99-2870: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #99B-40-REM For the Construction of an Expansion to the Public Unloading Area at the Metro Central Transfer Station. 99-2870 12/02/1999
99-2855C: For the Purpose of Requesting LCDC Approval of a Limited Extension to the Last Deadline of ORS 197.299 and Accepting the 1997 Urban Growth Report Update. 99-2855C 10/28/1999
99-2866: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase Property in the Forest Park Target Area. 99-2866 12/02/1999