Records - allRelated:17759 (MIN02/00023) - 15 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP02/15 02/28/2002
Council TAPE02/26 02/28/2002
02-933: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 5.01 to Provide For Regulation of Chipping or Grinding of Wood Waste at a Facility That is Otherwise Regulated By Metro. 02-933 02/28/2002
02-934: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2001-02 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring $31,000 From Contingency to Operating Expenses in the Building Management Fund, and Declaring an Emergency. 02-934 02/28/2002
02-939A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 7.01 to Amend the Metro Excise Tax to Provide Revenues For Metro's Regional Parks and Greenspaces Programs. 02-939A 03/28/2002
02-3146B: For the Purpose of Encouraging the Procurement of Wood Products From Sustainable Sources and Promoting the Sustainable Forest Product Industry. 02-3146B 02/28/2002
02-3147: For the Purpose of Reallocating a Portion of the Multnomah County Local Share Funds From the Metro Open Spaces Bond. 02-3147 02/28/2002
02-3154A: For the Purpose of Exempting From Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing Release of RFP #02-1055-ZOO For Soft Drink and Bottled Beverages at the Oregon Zoo. 02-3154A 02/28/2002
02-3155: For the Purpose of Appointing Donald Olson and Elizabeth Tucker and Reappointing Scott Seibert to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 02-3155 02/28/2002
02-3158A: For the Purpose of Exempting From Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing Release of RFP 02-1004-ZOO For PBX Replacement at the Oregon Zoo. 02-3158A 02/28/2002
02-3159: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase the Taber Property as an Addition to Howell Territorial Park. 02-3159 02/28/2002
02-3162: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase the Sho International Property in the Willamette Narrows Section of the Willamette River Greenway Target Area. 02-3162 02/28/2002
02-3166: For the Purpose of Approving Portland Regional Federal Transportation Priorities For Federal Fiscal Year 2003 Appropriations 02-3166 02/28/2002
Council Agenda AGEN02/00041 02/28/2002
Council Minutes MIN02/00023 02/28/2002