Records - allRelated:201752 (MP09/79) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
09-4091: For the Purpose of Confirming the Council President's Appointments and Reappointment to the Transportation Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC) For 2010 - 2011. 09-4091 11/19/2009
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, November 19, 2009 MEET09/497 11/19/2009
09-1224: Amending the FY 2009-10 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Providing Increased Appropriations in the MERC Fund and Declaring an Emergency. 09-1224 11/19/2009
09-1225: Amending the FY 2009-10 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Revise the Third Floor Remodel Capital Projects, Move Funding From Contingency, Amend the FY 2009-10 Through FY 2013-14 Capital Improvement Plan, and Declaring an Emergency. 09-1225 11/19/2009
09-1226: Amending the FY 2009-10 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Provide For Approved Capital Projects, Recognizing New Capital Grants, and Declaring an Emergency. 09-1226 11/19/2009
09-1227: Amending the FY 2009-10 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Realigning Program Staff, Transferring Budget Authority and Declaring an Emergency. 09-1227 11/19/2009
09-1228: Amending the FY 2009-10 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Create a Limited Duration Principal Planner Position Within the Research Center For the Purpose of Managing the Regional Indicators Project and Declaring an Emergency. 09-1228 11/19/2009
09-4092A: For the Purpose of Amending the Key Milestone Schedule That Guides Metro's Participation in the Designation of Urban and Rural Reserves. 09-4092A 11/19/2009
Council Agenda AGEN09/00094 11/19/2009
Council Minutes MIN09/00079 11/19/2009
Council 09/135 11/19/2009
Council Meeting Packet MP09/79 11/19/2009