Records - allRelated:20397 (03-3290) - 15 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
96-2442: For the Purpose of Endorsing a Regional Position on Reauthorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). 96-2442 01/23/1997
99-2804A: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Interstate Max Light Rail Transit Project and South Corridor Financing Strategy and Amending the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 99-2804A 06/24/1999
Council Minutes MIN03/00085 03/20/2003
Council Meeting Packet MP03/78 03/20/2003
Council Agenda AGEN03/00069 03/20/2003
03-1007A: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Transportation Plan to Include the Two Phases of the South Corridor Study Consisting of the I-205 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project From Gateway to Clackamas Regional Center With Portland Transit Mall LRT, Expansion of LRT From Downtown Portland to Milwaukie and Deletion of Plans to Extend LRT From Milwaukie to Clackamas Regional Center 03-1007A 06/19/2003
03-3351: For the Purpose of Amending the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program to Include the Revised South Corridor Light Rail Transit Project and Demonstrating Conformity of the Project, the Amended Regional Transportation Plan and Amended Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program With the State Implementation Plan 03-3351 08/14/2003
04-3468: For the Purpose of Endorsing a Supplemental Multi-Year Funding Commitment of Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Funds For the I-205/Mall LRT Project and Endorsing a Refined Regional Funding Plan 04-3468 07/15/2004
05-3559: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Enter Into an Intergovernmental Agreement Between metro and TriMet For the Implementation of the Regional Funding Plan and a Multi-Year Funding Commitment of Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Funds 05-3559 03/24/2005
10-4133: For the Purpose of Endorsing a Multi-year Commitment of Regional Flexible Transportation Funds For the Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail Transit Project and Supplemental Commitment to the Beaverton to Wilsonville Commuter Rail Project. 10-4133 03/18/2010
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda MEET10/138 03/13/2003
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Meeting Packet MEET10/139 03/13/2003
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Minutes MEET10/143 03/13/2003
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Minutes MEET10/144 03/13/2003
03-3290: For the Purpose of Endorsing a Multi-Year Commitment of Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Funds For a Regional Funding Plan. 03-3290 03/20/2003