Records - allRelated:2048 (84-506) - 17 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
85-591: For the Purpose of Designating Sites For the Washington Transfer and Recycling Center, and Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter Into Negotiations to Acquire the Sites. 85-591 09/12/1985
86-619: For the Purpose of Selecting a Site For the Washington Transfer and Recycling Center and Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter Into Negotiations to Acquire the Site. 86-619 12/31/1997
86-626: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Negotiated Acquisition or Commencement of Condemnation of the Cornelius Pass Road Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-626 04/10/1986
86-637: For the Purpose of Selecting and Authorizing Acquisition of the 209th/T.V. Highway Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-637 12/31/1997
86-668: For the Purpose of Selecting and Authorizing Acquisition of the Fairway Western Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-668 06/24/1998
86-669: For the Purpose of Selecting and Authorizing Acquisition of the Cornell Road Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-669 06/24/1998
86-671: For the Purpose of Selecting and Authorizing Acquisition of the 209th/T.V. Highway Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-671 08/14/1986
86-678: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Negotiated Acquisition or Commencement of Condemnation of 209th and Tualatin Valley Highway Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-678 08/14/1986
88-835: For the Purpose of Adopting a Policy to Establish That the Metro East Transfer and Recycling Center(s) May Be Publicly or Privately Owned and That Notice Be Posted to Request That Potential Vendors Obtain Land Use Permits For Proposed Transfer Station Sites 88-835C 07/28/1988
86-685: For the Purpose of Establishing the West Transfer and Recycling Center Task Force and Appointing Members. 86-685 08/28/1986
Council/Executive Session Minutes MEET22/693 10/25/1984
Council/Executive Session Agenda MEET21/1851 10/25/1984
88-885: For the Purpose of Initiating A Proposal and a Site Search For a Publicly-Owned East Transfer and Recycling Center(s)/Depot(s). 88-885 06/24/1998
85-614: For the Purpose of Designating an Additional Site For the Washington Transfer and Recycling Center. 85-614 01/09/1986
86-615: For the Purpose of Designating an Additional Site For the Washington Transfer & Recycling Center. 86-615 01/09/1986