Records - allRelated:210292 (10-4171) - 9 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, August 12, 2010 MEET10/834 08/12/2010
06-3672B: For the Purpose of Submitting to the Voters of the Metro Area a General Obligation Bond Indebtedness in the Amount of $227.4 Million to Fund Natural Area Acquisition and Water Quality Protection. 06-3672B 03/09/2006
07-3766A: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Property With Accepted Acquisition Guidelines as Outlined in the Natural Areas Implementation Work Plan. 07-3766A 03/01/2007
06-3720: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Enter Into Options to Purchase Properties in the Newell Creek, Lower Tualatin River Headwaters, Forest Park and Johnson Creek Target Areas, and Including a Property in the Forest Park Target Area Subject to Unusual Circumstances Under the Proposed 2006 Natural Areas Bond Measure Implementation Work Plan 06-3720 08/17/2006
07-3851: Approving the Natural Areas Acquisition Refinement Plan For the Johnson Creek and Watershed Target Area. 07-3851 09/13/2007
Council Minutes MIN10/00054 08/12/2010
Council Meeting Packet MP10/80 08/12/2010
Council Agenda AGEN10/00065 08/12/2010
10-4171: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Dispose of Real Property in the Johnson Creek Target Area and Purchase Real Property in the Johnson Creek Target Area. 10-4171 08/12/2010