Records - allRelated:29745 (04-3403) - 18 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-2674: For the Purpose of Adopting the Locally Preferred Strategy (LPS) For South/North Light Rail Project. 98-2674 07/23/1998
98-2673: For the Purpose of Adopting the Land Use Final Order Establishing the Light Rail Route, Stations, Lots and Maintenance Facilities and the Related Highway Improvements For the South/North Light Rail Project. 98-2673 07/23/1998
99-2806A: For the Purpose of Amending the Locally Preferred Strategy For the South/North Light Rail Project to Define the Interstate Max Project as the First Construction Segment and to Amend the FY 2000 Unified Work Program 99-2806A 06/24/1999
99-2795A: For the Purpose of Amending FY 00 Unified Work Program to Add the South Corridor Transportation Alternatives Study and Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Authorize FY 99 Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds 99-2795A 06/24/1999
03-3303: For the Purpose of Amending the Locally Preferred Strategy For the South/North Corridor Project to Define a Two-Phased Major Transit Investment Strategy For the South Corridor, With the I-205 Light Rail Transit Project as the Phase 1 Locally Preferred Alternative Followed By the Milwaukie Light Rail Transit Project in Phase 2 03-3303 04/17/2003
Council Minutes MIN04/00001 01/08/2004
Council Minutes MIN04/00002 01/15/2004
Council Meeting Packet MP04/2-001 01/15/2004
Council Meeting Packet MP04/1 01/08/2004
Council Agenda AGEN04/00003 01/15/2004
04-3424: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Enter Into an Intergovernmental Agreement With TriMet For Completion of the South Corridor Project (I-205/Portland Mall) Final Environmental Impact Statement 04-3424 02/26/2004
04-3425: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Amend Three Environmental Consultant Contracts to Complete the South Corridor Project (I-205/Portland Mall) Final Environmental Impact Statement 04-3425 02/26/2004
04-3434: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Final Conceptual Design Report For the Portland Mall Segment of the South Corridor Project. 04-3434 05/20/2004
Council Meeting Packet MP04/2-002 01/15/2004
Council Agenda AGEN04/00002 01/08/2004