Records - allRelated:304106 (14-4534) - 16 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
13-4490: For the Purpose of Adopting the Substitute Transit Transportation Control Measure (TCM) as Part of the State Air Quality Strategy and Regional Air Quality Conformity Determination 13-4490 12/19/2013
14-4493: For the Purpose of Approving the Use of Federal Streamlining Provisions for Regional Air Quality Conformity Determinations 14-4493 01/16/2014
12-4333: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2012-2015 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 12-4333 03/15/2012
14-4527: For the Purpose of Accepting the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan Project List for Purpose of Air Quality Conformity Determination. 14-4527 05/08/2014
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, July 17, 2014 MEET14/249 07/17/2014
10-4150A: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination for the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and the 2010-2013 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 10-4150A 06/10/2010
14-1340: For the Purpose of Amending the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan to Comply With Federal and State Law; and to Amend the Regional Framework Plan 14-1340 07/17/2014
14-4532: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2015-2018 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) for the Portland Metropolitan Area. 14-4532 07/31/2014
Council Agenda AGEN14/00063 07/17/2014
Council Meeting Packet MP14/56 07/17/2014
Council Minutes MIN14/00051 07/17/2014
Council 14/99 07/17/2014
15-4662: For the Purpose of Approving a Work Plan and Public Engagement Plan for the 2018 Regional Transportation Plan Update. 15-4662 12/03/2015
17-1396: For the Purpose of Amending the 2014 Regional Transportation Plan to Include the Locally Preferred Alternative of the Powell-Division Transit and Development Project. 17-1396 06/01/2017
17-4816: For the Purpose of Approving the Air Quality Conformity Determination for the 2018-2021 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 17-4816 07/27/2017