Records - allRelated:398024 (MEET15/338) - 10 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
15-4652: For the Purpose of Review and Approval of the Oregon Zoo Public Art Advisory Committee's Second Art Commission Recommendations. 15-4652 10/15/2015
15-4653: For the Purpose of Confirming the Council President's Appointment of Damien Hall to the Metro Audit Committee. 15-4653 10/15/2015
15-4642: For the Purpose of Amending the 2015-18 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Include the Interstate 84/Interstate 5 - Banfield Interchange Deck Overlay and Bridge Rail Retrofit Project and the Interstate 405 Fremont Bridge Approach Ramps Modular Joint Replacement Project 15-4642 10/15/2015
15-4646: For the Purpose of Amending the 2015-18 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Reprogram the City of Milwaukie's OR99 E Bridge at Kellogg Lake Project Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds of $1,055,000 to Their 17th Avenue Multi-Use Trail Project for Construction 15-4646 10/15/2015
15-4649: For the Purpose of Amending the 2015-18 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Include the Amtrak Cascades Passenger Rail Service Operations and Maintenance Costs Project. 15-4649 10/15/2015
15-1367: For the Purpose of Annexing to the Metro District Boundary Approximately 16 Acres Located at 26585 NW Evergreen Road, East of NE Sewell Avenue and West of NW 264th Avenue in North Hillsboro. 15-1367 11/19/2015
Council Agenda AGEN15/00077 10/15/2015
Council Minutes MIN15/00069 10/15/2015
Council Meeting Packet MP15/73 10/15/2015
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, October 15, 2015 MEET15/338 10/15/2015