Records - allRelated:470635 (17-4782) - 28+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
17-4782: For the Purpose of Approving the Policy and Investment Framework for the 2040 Planning and Development Grant Program Funded with Construction Excise Tax. 17-4782 04/13/2017
17-4846: For the Purpose of Approving Fiscal Year 2017-18 Funding for Planning and Development Grants Funded with Construction Excise Tax. 17-4846 10/26/2017
18-4863: For the Purpose of Approving the Policy and Investment Framework for Cycle 6 of the 2040 Planning and Development Grant Program in 2018. 18-4863 01/25/2018
18-4882: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Technical Assistance Program Component to Support the 2040 Planning and Development Grant. 18-4882 04/12/2018
18-4902: For the Purpose of Approving Fiscal Year 2018-19 Funding for 2040 Planning and Development Grants Funded with Construction Excise Tax. 18-4902 07/30/2018
18-4916: For the Purpose of Approving the Policy for an Investment Framework for the 2040 Planning and Development Grant Program in 2019. 18-4916 11/29/2018
18-1425: For the Purpose of Removing the Sunset Provision of the Metro Construction Excise Tax That Funds the 2040 Planning and Development Grant Program and Making Other Amendments to Chapter 7.04 of the Metro Code. 18-1425 12/06/2018
19-5002: For the Purpose of Approving Fiscal Year 2019-20 Funding for 2040 Planning and Development Grants Funded with Construction Excise Tax. 19-5002A 07/25/2019
19-5053: For the Purpose of Authorizing Refinements to the 2040 Planning and Development Grant Program 19-5053 12/12/2019
23 5344: For the Purpose of Approving Fiscal year 2023-24 Funding for a 2040 Planning and Development Grant Funded With the Construction Excise Tax 23-5344 07/20/2023
23-5371: For the Purpose of Approving Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding for Grants Funded with the Construction Excise Tax 23-5371 01/25/2024
24-5386: For the Purpose of Approving Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding for Grants Funded with the Construction Excise Tax - Batch 2 24-5386 03/07/2024
24-1509: For the Purpose of Authorizing Changes to the Rules Regarding how Construction Excise Tax Funds may be Distributed 24-1509 04/11/2024