Records - allRelated:653324 (MEET21/98) - 24 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
93-1784: For the Purpose of Recommending Priority High Capacity Transit Corridors to the South and North and an Action Plan For Phase 2 of the South/North Preliminary Alternatives Analysis. 93-1784 04/22/1993
93-1768: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Strategies Compact Forming the Oregon Tourism Alliance. 93-1768 03/25/1993
93-1780: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Metro Representatives to the Oregon Tourism Alliance Board. 93-1780 03/25/1993
93-489A: For the Purpose of Amending the Classification and Compensation Plans For Non-Represented Employees, and Awarding a 4% General Market Adjustment For Non-Represented Employees, in Lieu of a Cost of Living Adjustment. 93-489A 05/27/1993
93-490: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 92-449B Revising the FY 1992-93 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding Project Increases in the Zoo Capital Fund and Declaring an Emergency. 93-490 04/22/1993
93-491: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 92-449B Revising the FY 1992-93 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding Personal Services Increases in the Public Affairs Department, and Declaring an Emergency. 93-491 04/22/1993
93-492: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 92-449B Revising the FY 1992-93 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding Increases in the Contractors License Program and Declaring an Emergency. 93-492 04/22/1993
93-493: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 92-449B Revising the FY 1992-93 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Recognizing New Grants and Funding Related Expenditures in the Planning Fund, Authorizing 1.25 New FTE in the Growth Management Division, and Declaring an Emergency 93-493 04/22/1993
93-484A: An Ordinance Amending Metro Code Section 7.01.020 to Modify the Excise Tax Rate. 93-484A 05/06/1993
93-1777: A Resolution Authorizing the Preparation and Submission of Refunding Plans Relating to the Advance Refunding of a Portion of Metro's Outstanding General Revenue Bonds (Metro Headquarters Building Project), 1991 Series A, and Waste Disposal System Revenue Bonds (Metro East Transfer Station Project), 1990 Series A 93-1777 03/25/1993
93-1778C: For the Purpose of Continuing Metro's Participation in the Forum on Cooperative Urban Services (FOCUS). 93-1778C 07/15/1998
93-1782A: For the Purpose of Adding Items to Metro's Legislative Agenda. 93-1782A 03/25/1993
93-1769: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 1994 Unified Work Program (UWP). 93-1769 03/25/1993
93-1770: For the Purpose of Certifying That the Portland Metropolitan Area is in Compliance With Federal Transportation Planning Requirements. 93-1770 03/25/1993
93-1771: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Region's Proposed National Highway System as Required Under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. 93-1771 03/25/1993