Records - allRelated:684090 (MEET22/86) - 23+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
91-418B: An Ordinance Repealing the Columbia Region Association of Governments Land Use Goals and Objectives and Adopting the Regional Urban Growth Goals and Objectives (RUGGO's). 91-418B 09/26/1991
91-424: For the Purpose of Approving the Revision of Metro Code Section 4.01.060 Revising Admission Fees at the Metro Washington Park Zoo. 91-424 09/26/1991
91-425: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 91-390A Revising the FY 1991-92 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding an Amendment to the R.W. Beck Contract. 91-425 09/26/1991
91-426A: For the Purpose of Approving the Revision of Metro Code Sections 2.02.180, 2.02.185, 2.02.200, and Adopting the Management Compensation Plan. 91-426A 09/26/1991
91-1506: For the Purpose of Adopting a Management Compensation Package. 91-1506 09/26/1991
91-1508: For the Purpose of Approving a Request For Proposals Document For Establishing an Employee Assistance Program and Waiving the Requirement For Council Approval of the Contract and Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute the Contract Subject to Conditions 91-1508 09/26/1991
91-1509: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Office to Execute a Contract With CTR For the Purchase of Computer Hardware, Software and Services and a Contract With First Portland Leasing For the Financing of Said Purchase and Completing the STRAP Computer Project 91-1509 09/26/1991
Council Agenda MEET22/86 09/26/1991