Records - allRelated:684199 (MEET22/143) - 16 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Minutes MEET21/142 12/23/1993
93-1872: For the Purpose of Amending the Greenspaces Master Plan and Map of Natural Areas, Trails and Greenways of Regional Significance By Adding the Peninsula Crossing Trail in North Portland. 93-1872 12/23/1993
93-1866:For the Purpose of Entering Into an Intergovernmental Agreement With Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to Begin the Burlington Northern Rails to Trails Feasibility Study. 93-1866 12/23/1993
93-525: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-487A Revising the FY 1993-94 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Transferring Contingency to Fund Remaining Metro Regional Center Project Commitments; and Declaring an Emergency. 93-525 12/23/1993
93-524A: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-487A Revising the FY 1993-94 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Continue Work on the MERC Business Plan; and Declaring an Emergency. 93-524A 12/23/1993
93-1873A: For the Purpose of Adopting and Implementing the FY 1994-99 Water Resources Work Plan. 93-1873A 12/23/1993
93-1874: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program So That Tri-Met Can Apply For Section 3 Funds in the Redirected Project Break-Even Account. 93-1874 12/23/1993
93-1871: For the Purpose of Declaring a Sole Source Contract With B&B Leasing Company, Inc. For Refuse Hauling From the Metro South Household Hazardous Waste Facility and Authorizing a Competitive Bidding Exemption Pursuant to Chapter 2.04.041(C) 93-1871 12/23/1993
93-1875: For the Purpose of Exempting the Acquisition of a Visitor Transport Vehicle From the Competitive Bidding Process. 93-1875 12/23/1993
93-1882: For the Purpose of Accepting a Fifth Group of Nominees to the Metro Committee For Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 93-1882 12/23/1993
93-1881A: For the Purpose of Creating a Pioneer Cemeteries Study Committee. 93-1881A 12/23/1993
94-1860A: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Portland For a Predicate Study. 94-1860A 01/13/1994
94-521A: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-487A Revising the FY 1993-94 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Portland For a Predicate Study; and Declaring an Emergency. 94-521A 01/13/1994
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3577-001 12/23/1993
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3577-002 12/23/1993