Records - allRelated:687436 (MEET22/532) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
83-421: For the Purpose of Supporting the Intent of State Policy Regarding Transit Operation in the Portland Metropolitan Area and Establishing a Cooperative Process to Implement the State Policy. 83-421 07/07/1983
Council / Executive Session Meeting Packet MP02/359 07/07/1983
Council Agenda MEET21/1796 07/07/1983
83-416: For the Purpose of Amending the Pay Plan and Awarding Additional Personal Holidays. 83-416 07/07/1983
83-158: An Ordinance Amending the Metro Urban Growth Boundary in Multnomah County For Contested Case No. 81-6. (Jenne Lynd) 83-158 07/07/1983
83-157: An Ordinance Adopting a Codification of Metro Ordinances and Repealing Ordinance No. 30. 83-157 07/26/1983
83-159: For the Purpose of Creating a Reserve Fund Amending Ordinance No. 83-153 and Declaring an Emergency. 83-159 07/07/1983
83-407: For the Purpose of Declaring the Metropolitan Service District Council's Intent to Develop a Plan and Bring About the Merger of Metro and Tri-Met. 83-407 06/24/1998
83-408: For the Purpose of Declaring the Metropolitan Service District Council's Intent to Do Nothing Toward the Merger of the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District and the Metropolitan Service District. 83-408 06/24/1998
83-409: For the Purpose of Declaring the Metropolitan Service District Council's Intent to Commence the Evaluation of Combined Metro/Tri-Met Functions. 83-409 06/24/1998
83-415: For the Purpose of Supporting the Creation of a Study Commission to Investigate and Make Recommendations on Governance at Metropolitan Level Including Tri-Met/Metro Relationship. 83-415 06/24/1998
Council Minutes MEET22/532 07/07/1983