Records - allRelated:692838 (MEET22/1589) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
91-1523: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption From Metro Code Section 2.04.054 For an Amendment of the Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership Contract. 91-1523 11/26/1991
91-1521: Supporting the Establishment of a National Wildlife Refuge in the Vicinity of Sherwood, Oregon. 91-1521 11/26/1991
91-1531: For the Purpose of Approving a Request For Proposal Document For Insurance Adjusting Services General Liability and Auto Claims and Waiving the Requirement For Council Approval of the Contract and Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute the Contract Subject to Conditions 91-1531 11/26/1991
91-1529: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Exercise of the Option Agreement and the Acquisition of the Sears Parking Garage. 91-1529 11/26/1991
91-1528: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 1991-92 Emergency Management Work Plan (Earthquake Preparedness). 91-1528 11/26/1991
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/1736 11/26/1991
91-437: For the Purpose of Amending Chapter 5.06 of the Metro Code to Provide For Metro Central Station Community Enhancement Program and Creating a Metro Central Station Community Enhancement Committee. 91-437 11/26/1991
91-434A: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to Oregon Hydrocarbons, Inc. For the Purpose of Operating a Petroleum Contaminated Soil Processing Facility. 91-434A 11/26/1991
91-436A: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Code to Clarify the Purpose and Function of the Rate Review Committee, and Declaring an Emergency. 91-436A 11/26/1991
91-438: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to RMAC International, Inc. For the Purpose of Operating a Petroleum Contaminated Soil Processing Facility and Declaring an Emergency. 91-438 11/26/1991
Council Agenda MEET22/91 11/26/1991
Council Minutes MEET22/1589 11/26/1991