Records - allRelated:712159 (MEET22/3547-002) - 24+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
93-477A: For the Purpose of Establishing Criteria For Council District Apportionment, and Declaring an Emergency 93-477A 01/28/1993
92-478: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 92-449B Revising the FY 1992-93 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Fully Funding the Portland/Oregon Visitor Association Marketing Plan For the Oregon Convention Center. 92-478 12/22/1992
93-479A: An Ordinance Creating the Office Citizen Involvement; Establishing a Citizen's Involvement Committee and a Citizen Involvement Process; and Declaring an Emergency. 93-479A 01/14/1993
93-480A: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 92-449B Revising the FY 1992-93 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding Councilor Salaries and Benefits and a Citizen Involvement Program; and Declaring an Emergency. 93-480A 01/14/1993
93-481: An Ordinance Amending Metro Code Section 2.01.170 to Repeal Councilor Per Diem Procedures; Establish Councilor Salary Procedures; and Declaring an Emergency. 93-481 01/14/1993
92-1725: For the Purpose of Accepting the November 3 General Election Abstract of Votes of the Metropolitan Service District. 92-1725 12/22/1992
92-1728: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption to Metro Code Chapter 2.04.043 Competitive Bidding Procedures and Authorizing a Sole Source Agreement With Dunn and Bradstreet Corp. For the Purchase of Credit Reporting Services. 92-1728 12/22/1992
92-1730B: For the Purpose of Exempting an Agreement With Environetics, Inc. From Formal Bidding Requirements. 92-1730B 12/22/1992
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3547-002 12/22/1992