Records - allRelated:712463 (MEET22/3560-002) - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Minutes MEET21/98 03/25/1993
Council Agenda MEET22/125 03/25/1993
93-1744: For the Purpose of Approving a Request For Proposals Document For Hearings Officer Services. 93-1744 03/25/1993
93-1768: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Strategies Compact Forming the Oregon Tourism Alliance. 93-1768 03/25/1993
93-1769: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 1994 Unified Work Program (UWP). 93-1769 03/25/1993
93-1770: For the Purpose of Certifying That the Portland Metropolitan Area is in Compliance With Federal Transportation Planning Requirements. 93-1770 03/25/1993
93-1771: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Region's Proposed National Highway System as Required Under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. 93-1771 03/25/1993
93-1776: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter Into a Contract With Tri-State Construction, Inc. For Work Associated With the Closure of Sub-Areas 2 and 3 of the St. Johns Landfill. 93-1776 03/25/1993
93-1777: A Resolution Authorizing the Preparation and Submission of Refunding Plans Relating to the Advance Refunding of a Portion of Metro's Outstanding General Revenue Bonds (Metro Headquarters Building Project), 1991 Series A, and Waste Disposal System Revenue Bonds (Metro East Transfer Station Project), 1990 Series A 93-1777 03/25/1993
93-1780: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Metro Representatives to the Oregon Tourism Alliance Board. 93-1780 03/25/1993
93-1781C: For the Purpose of Providing Commentary and Response to the Tri-Met Strategic Plan. 93-1781C 03/25/1993
93-1782A: For the Purpose of Adding Items to Metro's Legislative Agenda. 93-1782A 03/25/1993
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3560-002 03/25/1993