Records - contact:14188 (Moss, Scott) - 26 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-765: Amendments to Metro Code Provisions Regarding Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Involving Federally-Funded Contracts. 98-765 12/27/1998
99-2849: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Establishment of the Oregon Convention Center Expansion Selection and Advisory Committee. 99-2849 11/18/1999
00-2898: For the Purpose of Authorizing Participation in a Local Improvement District to Fund the Steel Bridge Pedestrian Walkway. 00-2898 03/02/2000
00-2943: For the Purpose of Authorizing Amendment Number 4 of the Personal Services Agreement With Pac/West Communications. 00-2943 06/01/2000
00-2962: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Sole Source Agreement With the Regional Arts and Culture Council. 00-2962 06/29/2000
00-2953: Consideration of Resolution No. 00-2953 For the Purpose of Authorizing Extension of the Personal Services Agreement With Pac/West Communications. 00-2953 08/09/2000
01-3041: For the Purpose of Exempting the CM/GC Contract For the Oregon Convention Center Expansion Project From the Requirement to Have a Performance and Payment Bond. 01-3041 03/21/2001
01-3071: Consideration of Resolution No. 01-3071 For the Purpose of Approving the Oregon Convention Center Expansion Performance Evaluation Criteria and Plan. 01-3071 05/24/2001
02-934: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2001-02 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring $31,000 From Contingency to Operating Expenses in the Building Management Fund, and Declaring an Emergency. 02-934 02/28/2002
02-3149: For the Purpose of Authorizing Contracts For Public Art in the Oregon Convention Center Expansion. 02-3149 01/31/2002
02-3216A: For the Purpose of Declaring the Plaza Building Surplus Property, Exempting the Tenant From Paying Excise Tax, and Authorizing the Execution of a Lease With Big Town Hero. 02-3216A 09/05/2002